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“Roni, you’re playing operation,” Patrick said, tossing her a kit.“Andie and I will try to keep him still.Roland, stand ready.”

I climbed into the back of the MRAP with Patrick and Roni and settled on my knees near the grey’s stitched arm.Carefully trapping the limb between my legs, I studied the sutures.They weren’t random or messy but placed with precision.

“I think they have more than one human with them,” I said as Roni opened the kit.“He mentioned someone named Mya and said it wasn’t the woman who was looking for the baby.”

“What else did he say?”Patrick asked.

“Not much.”

“Why Evan and not you?”Roni asked, removing a pair of really long tweezer-looking things.

“He dropped between me and Evan.I didn’t lift my weapon.Evan took the shot, probably because Molev was facing me.”

“Molev?”Patrick asked.

“He told us his name last time,” Roni said.

“So he attacked Evan after he shot him?”Patrick asked.

“It was less of an attack and more of a backhand,” I said.“Evan’s head hit the truck, and it was immediate lights out.”

Patrick made a non-committal sound.

“He didn’t attack me once Evan was out, so I tried talking to him.He answered every question I asked but didn’t ask any questions of his own.”

“Which is weird for someone who said he was following us to learn more,” Roni said as she eased the instrument into the hole in his back.

He didn’t twitch, but I still winced on his behalf as she carefully dug around for the bullet.My fingers moved on his arm, comforting him even though he was out cold.

“Every encounter has been reactive,” I said.“He watches and waits to see what we’ll do before responding.”

“You think Evan shouldn’t have fired,” Patrick said.

“Evan did what he thought was best.And because of him, we might now have a real opportunity to talk to Molev.”

Patrick nodded.“I agree.We need to tread carefully, though.This one’s shown his strength and his restraint.We want to encourage the latter while protecting ourselves from the former.”

“Got it,” Roni said, pulling the bullet free.More blood welled out, and she pressed a wad of gauze to it.

“He’s going to be thirsty when he comes to.Let’s start our goodwill campaign by ensuring he has something to drink and eat,” Patrick said, easing off Molev’s other arm.

I tried to do the same, but Molev’s fingers caught on the cuff of my pants.

“Stay here with Roni,” Patrick said.“I’ll be right back.”

He jumped out the back while I tried to gently untangle the large, grey fingers from my pants.They kept curling.

I glanced at Molev’s face, which was turned toward me.Some part of me thought I’d find the corners of his mouth curving because it sure felt like he was messing with me.But his breathing was even, and his expression relaxed.

“Problem?”Roni asked.

“His fingers are caught in my pants.”

She barked out a laugh.

“Cody’s going to love hearing that.”

I rolled my eyes at her and hooked my fingers around his, removing them all at the same time.But then they curled around mine.Considering his strength, it could have been worse.He could have crushed my fingers.Instead, his grip was firm but not painful.
