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“Do you mean in this group or in the world?”I asked.

“The world.”

I found his answer telling.His lack of interest in our immediate group and in Vance made sense if his kind was after global conquest.

“I don’t know the exact number, but I can tell you it’s dropping rapidly every day.If the undead aren’t called off soon, there won’t be any of us left.Is that what you want?”

He blinked at me.Then looked at Kevin.

“What is that device called?”

I glanced at Kevin and saw he’d been broadcasting the conversation to the others.He released the button now that he’d been noticed.

“It’s a radio,” I said.“It allows us to communicate between vehicles without having to get out.”

“Do radios come in many sizes?”

“Yeah, I guess.Why?”

The intensity of his unblinking gaze made me wonder if I was asking too many questions.Hiding my discomfort, I waited.After an increasing silence, he rewarded my patience.

“Thank you for your honesty, Andie.Matt’s radio is much larger.”

So he’d already known that radios came in different sizes and had only asked that to test me?I wished there was a way for me to test the truth of everything he was telling me.

“Who’s Matt?”I asked.

“A leader like Patrick.”

“Is Matt your leader?”

The corner of Molev’s mouth lifted briefly again.

“He is the leader of Whiteman.He commands the human survivors there.”

“Whiteman military base?”Roland asked.

We all knew about Whiteman.It was the base that had gone quiet a few weeks ago, right after a report of dog attacks and nearby greys.That report had given us the beacon we’d needed when we’d left Fort Irwin.It was also the place the woman with the greys had mentioned.

“How many survivors are there?”I asked.

“Five hundred and eighty-three.”

It filled me with hope and dread that there were so many.Were the greys collecting humans?If so, why?I wanted to ask but didn’t want this “conversation” to feel any more like the interrogation it was.

“You’ve answered so many of my questions,” I said instead.“Do you have any to ask me?”

“What do you miss from before the earthquakes?”

I wasn’t prepared for that question and said nothing for a long moment.

“I miss a lot.But today, I realized how much I’ve missed sound.Birds singing.An airplane flying overhead.Music.The world is so quiet now.”

“The engines are loud.”

“They are,” I agreed.

“Do you have a family?”he asked.
