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“Andie, are you all right?”Patrick called.

I looked up at the roof and saw his sidearm in his hand.

“He was trying to use the light to help kill it,” I said.“Like hetold ushe could.He’s going to try again.Stop fucking shooting at him, and let him try to save us.”

Patrick held my gaze for a moment and shook his head as if he thought he was about to make the dumbest decision of his life.

“All right.Let’s see what he can do.”

Another storm of snarling broke out in the darkness.Patrick lifted the night vision to his eyes, pivoting slowly as he scanned for Molev.

“North-west,” he called out.“Hold your fire.”

The need to go there and ensure no one else shot at him had me stepping away from my assigned light.I took two steps before I realized what I was doing and looked back at Sean.He caught my gaze and nodded.

Taking that as permission, I left my spot and hurried to where Patrick was looking.

“Knife!”Molev yelled from the darkness.

Since I was right by the door, I darted inside, grabbed a knife from the butcher block, and rushed back out.

The yowling was louder, and I ran toward the sound.

Then I saw him.The beast struggled in Molev’s straining and bulging arms.The saliva dripped from its fangs.Glowing, blood-red eyes darted toward me, and it thrashed harder to get free.

Molev shuffled forward three more steps, crossing into the dimmer edge of the light.

Smoke wisped up from the dog’s black hide, and a terrifying whine-snarl ripped from its open jaws.

Molev pivoted so he faced the darkness and arched backward, using his body weight to flip the hound and drive its head into the ground.With one hand, he pinned the hound in the ring of light.It writhed under Molev’s hold but was too dazed to slip free.

“Throw it to me,” Molev said, holding out his free hand.

I didn’t think.I just tossed the blade and hoped it wouldn’t stab him.Molev caught the knife mid-flip and drove it into the hound’s chest.Again.And again.

Wet noises filled my ears.Bones cracked.Chunks flew.

The dog’s struggles grew more desperate.Even when a large grey hand disappeared into that black chest cavity and came out holding a black stone that pulsed with a negative light, it clawed at him.

Molev’s fist closed around the rock and squeezed.The heart exploded into dust that ran out of his fisted hand.The hound stilled even as its fur continued to smolder slowly.

Panting from the exertion of the fight, Molev looked up at me.

“Remember, they hunt in pairs or packs.Stay in the lights, Andie.”

Twin red dots winked into existence behind him then disappeared.I opened my mouth to warn him.Before I could make a sound, Molev was yanked back into the darkness.

“There’s another one!Does anyone have eyes on Molev?”Fear staked me as I listened for someone to say he was okay.

A yip and a roar came from the opposite side of the house.The scream that followed gave me my answer.

I wanted to run toward it, but common sense kicked in.Molev had proven he could kill them.With all the noise they were making, I needed to do my job and guard my assigned light.So I ran back to my position, scanning the darkness beyond the light for more glowing twin dots of red, and hoped we were only dealing with a pair, not a pack.

“Catch her.”Molev’s yell rose above the scuffle of sound from the other side of the house.

Another scream pierced the night.Patrick swore, and a scrabble of noise came from the roof above.

The burst of snarling that followed drowned out all other sound, making it impossible to hear distinct words when someone shouted.Then, Molev roared again.After a few more seconds of chaos, everything went silent.
