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Heart racing, I listened and waited for Patrick to say something.What I heard was the sound of someone crying.A woman.Either Katie or Tamra since I couldn’t imagine Roni emitting those heartbroken sobs.

“Ted’s gone,” Patrick said.“Both dogs are down.Molev’s hurt.Stay at your posts.With the lights and the sound, every undead within a mile of this place will be headed our way.”

The next few hours passed in an exhausting blur.Molev patrolled just outside the pool of light, killing any infected that found their way to the farmhouse so we wouldn’t need to fire any weapons and attract more.

Dawn gave me the first real glimpse of the damage the dogs had done to him.Long gashes scored his back.I couldn’t believe he’d stayed on his feet for hours after receiving them.

“Go shower,” I said when he would have continued circling the house.

He paused and glanced at me.

“I mean it.Go shower.I’ll get the first aid kit.”It contained a mess of stuff I didn’t know how to use.And bandages, which I did know how to use.But I didn’t think that would be enough.Some of those gashes were spread apart and hard to look at.

Hopefully, Roni could figure out how to give stitches as well as she could remove them.

Molev grunted and changed direction to head inside.His stride wasn’t as purposeful as usual.

I glanced at Sean.

“Go,” he said.

The shower was already running by the time I knocked on the bathroom door.

“Can I come in?”I asked.


I was expecting him to be behind the curtain.Instead, he stood in the small open space in front of the sink.With one hand braced on the counter, his other gripped the neck of his shirt behind his head.He tried pulling it up and over.Grunted and stopped.

“Here.Let me,” I said.


The harsh command stopped me.

“I’m covered in infected blood.It’s too dangerous.”

I shook my head.

“If you haven’t noticed, everything is too dangerous lately.And this wouldn’t be my first time touching contaminated blood.If I start running away from it now, I’m as good as dead.So stop being a baby, and let me help you get this off so we can patch you up.”

He turned his head to hold my gaze, and I arched a brow at him.

“I promise not to touch you inappropriately.Just let me help you, Molev.”

He grunted.

I set the first aid kit on the sink and pulled out the scissors.He held still as I moved his long hair aside and cut his shirt free.

“Need help with the pants?”I asked.

“I can get them off without cutting them,” he said.

“So can I.”

He didn’t fight me when I tugged the tie loose and worked the material down his thick thighs.I kept my head turned as I sank to my knees so he wouldn’t feel embarrassed.The weight of his hand settled on my head.It almost felt like he was caressing my hair until he lifted his foot and stepped out of his pants.I understood then that he’d only been using me for balance.

When he turned away from me, I glanced at his backside again, surveying the damage.I hadn’t meant to ogle when he was obviously in so much pain.Yet, that was exactly what happened.Even broken and bloody, he was beautiful to look at, defined like a bodybuilder, but without the overabundance of spray tan or veins.

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