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“We’re at the base.This is the medic.He’ll be able to stitch you up.”

Molev’s gaze shifted to the closest man, and I could read the mistrust in his eyes before they shifted back to me.

“I’ll be right here with you,” I said.“I’m not going anywhere.”

He grunted and rested his head on the stretcher once more, but he didn’t close his eyes.They stayed fixed on me as we made our way inside and down a long hall to a makeshift operating room.

The medic moved quickly, prepping himself and the supplies he’d need.

“How long ago did this happen?”he asked.

“About six hours ago,” I said.“Why?”

“It looks older,” he said, examining Molev’s back and arms.

“Can you still stitch him up?”I asked.

“I’ll try.It looks like he’s already been stitched once, so it should work.Do you know if he has any allergies to our medicines?”

“I don’t know.”

He frowned slightly.“I don’t like the idea of doing this without anesthetic, but I’d rather not introduce anything that he might not tolerate.Does he trust you?”

“He is listening and can speak for himself,” Molev said.“Yes, I trust Andie.”

“Sorry.Usually, I’d use a local anesthetic to numb the area I need to work on.It’s less painful for you and keeps you from moving.I don’t know if it’s safe for you, though.Were you given anything to numb the pain when you received your arm stitches?”

“No.I won’t move,” Molev said.

I could see the doubt on the medic’s face.

“I’ve seen him do things no human could do.If he says he won’t move, he won’t move,” I said.

“Okay.”He turned away for a moment, and I went to stand near Molev’s head.

“Do you want me to hold your hand or anything?”I asked softly.

Molev immediately shifted both arms up the table so that his hands rested by his head.His grip was warm and firm when his fingers wrapped around mine.

“Are you ready?”the medic asked.


True to his word,Molev didn’t flinch once while the medic stitched him.He did move, though.Just his thumbs.They swept over the backs of my hands in slow strokes, almost as if he was comfortingme.

“That’s the last one,” the medic said, moving away from Molev and straightening his back.“You’ll need to keep those covered for the first few days, and they’ll need to come out in two weeks.”He covered everything in a salve and placed bandages over it all.

While he worked, Molev continued trailing his thumbs over my skin.That stopped the second the medic taped the last bandage into place.

“If you’re ready, we’ll move you to a more comfortable room.”

Molev shifted his legs over the side of the table and stood up.

“I was going to have them move you, but if you’d rather walk…”

“I would,” Molev said.

Rather than walking out the door, he held his hand out to me.

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