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Lady Isavelle was hunting for Ma’len’s room in the middle of the night. She must have liked her Alpha’s display in the courtyard yesterday.

It wasn’t the fight that got me all hot and bothered.

There’s a small smile on my lips as I recall how Zabriel bested Stesha, and an answering surge of heat between my thighs.

Well, not just the fight.

Mostly it’s his scent.

His scent. I breathe in with more and more purpose as I approach his rooms, hoping to catch it. At times I think I do, but I’m not sure.

My heart beats wildly as I push open the red door. Zabriel would probably be happy to find me in his rooms, but I can’t shake the feeling that I’m trespassing.

There’s a small antechamber and then the main room. A huge room with an enormous bed against one wall, bigger than any bed I’ve ever seen before. It has to be enormous because the man sleeping in it is huge. He sleeps a little diagonally in the middle of the mattress, not huddled along one edge like I do. Zabriel knows this is his bed. He’s the King of Maledin by stars and fire, and he’s going to fill this bed.

I tiptoe closer, my gaze sweeping over him.

Zabriel’s long, dark hair is spread over the white pillows and his chest is bare, with one of his arms flung above his head. He has a sheet draped around his hips and I can see the outline of his—very thick even at rest—cock with a swelling at the base, and the ridge at the head that lays an alarming distance down his thigh. Even asleep, the man is intimidating. All that is supposed to fit inside me when just his finger felt huge. I guess there’s a good reason why my slick is so excessive. I’m going to need all the help I can get.

Reminding myself to focus on why I’m here, I take a look around. Is there a worn shirt somewhere? Can I steal a blanket? A pillow? What’s loose on his bed that I can slip away with?

A light blanket is tucked beneath one of his arms. If I can just get it out from beneath his elbow, I’ll have it. Getting up on the bed, I crawl carefully toward him on my hands and knees, and then reach out and pull.

Suddenly, Zabriel’s eyes fly open, burning red in the dark, and he grips my wrist.

In a seething voice, he accuses, “It was you.”



Isavelle’s eyes widen in the dark. I’m gripping her wrist so hard that I’m scaring her.

I make myself let go of her and sit up. “Sorry,sha’len. I was dreaming about us and…” I look around, realizing I’m in my bed and so is she. “What are you doing here?”

She touches the coverlet lying beside me. “I’m sorry. I needed something of yours and I couldn’t wait.”

A smile spreads over my face and I open my arms to her. “Did you miss my scent? Come here, little one.”

Isavelle whimpers and throws herself into my arms. Her sweet body melts into mine as I close my arms around her.

“Can you smell me?”

Isavelle presses her nose into the hollow at the base of my throat and breathes in. “Only faintly, but you’re there. Your true scent.” Her arms tighten around my neck. “Zabriel, I think that oil really helped me. It’s unlocked something.”

“ThoseHratha’lenare clever women,” I tell her with a smile, hugging her happily.

“What were you dreaming about?”

I stroke her hair back from her face. “While I was trapped beneath the mountains, all I could do was dream. I’ve been having some of the same dreams again, though I can’t remember them unless I’m awoken suddenly. Do you remember what Biddy said, about you trying to reach the Bodan Mountains when you were a child? I think you were trying to find me.”

“Why do you think that?”

I press my forehead to hers and breathe, “Because I was trying to find you. You came to me in my dreams. The sense of you, very far away and indistinct. I never knew who it was that was brushing against my awareness and calling to me. Just now when you woke me up, I was dreaming the same dream, and when I woke up and saw you, I knew. Did something happen to you about a week before you were nearly thrown onto the pyre by the Brethren?”

Isavelle looks down at my hands and squeezes my fingers. “I got into trouble again. I talked back to the High Priest when he told me my manner was insolent, and he ordered for me to be beaten so badly that I passed out. When I woke up, everything hurt so much that I wish I hadn’t awoken at all. I wanted to die. I cried for something to change. I wished for it as hard as I used to wish for the dragons to return to Maledin like they did in the stories. As I wished for it, I think I may have even thought of the dragons.”

I cup her face in my hands, my heart pounding with excitement and gratitude. “You woke me up,sha’len. You broke the spell on me and on my people. On all the dragons and wyverns. We’re here because of you.”
