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“Do you really think it’s possible that I did it?”

I smile at her. “Who else could have done it but my mate? Scourge knew, right from the start. I felt him hunting for something the moment he took to the skies for the first time in five hundred years. I thought it was his mate he was hunting for, but it was mine.”

“Whether it was me or not, I’m so thankful that you returned.” Isavelle stares at my mouth, her eyes dilating. “Take something from me. Please. I’m begging you. If there’s something that you crave then I want you to—”

Fire erupts in my chest hearing my Omega beg. She wants me to prove to her that I’m real and that we’re together at last.

I sink my teeth into the spot between her neck and shoulder and bite down hard. I groan, and she cries out in pain. I know it hurts her, but from the way she grabs my wrists and wraps my arms even tighter around her body, I think she likes it.

“Zabriel, even the pain feels good.”

I release my jaws and lick my tongue over the spot that I bit. “I don’t think I should do that. Any harder and I’ll break the skin.”

“I’m not thinking straight, am I? I can’t be if you making me bleed sounds like a good time.”

“How about I just…” I choose a different spot and bite into her, faster this time.

Isavelle shrieks in pain and desire.

My mate between my teeth.

This is pleasure beyond anything I’ve known before.

Loosening my jaws, I press kisses to the burning red marks. “You’re so perfect between my teeth, little one.”

“This feels as good as the way you touched me earlier. Isn’t that crazy?”

My lips whisper against her flesh as I say, “Do you trust me?”

She nods.

“Alpha and Omega relationships are built on trust. They’re so intense they have to be. Show me where you want your next bite.”

Isavelle arches her neck the other way and strokes her fingers along her flesh, showing me where she wants my teeth.

“Good girl. Such a perfect Omega.” I bite her hard, and we both moan. Pleasure floods my body as I know it must be flooding hers. Having her to praise and sink my teeth into is everything. I release her slowly and again run my teeth over the marks. I can’t wait to taste her blood bursting in my mouth.

“This is so crazy. I didn’t know people could feel like this,” she whispers, her neck arched blissfully.

“You’re not people. You’re Maledinni. You’re the Queen of the Maledinni.”

“Why me? I believe I’m your mate and I’m not questioning us, but it seems reckless of the universe or the gods to fate us to each other when you were asleep for five hundred years, and I was nearly thrown onto a funeral pyre.”

“I believe there is a reason for everything, even Maledin falling, though it hurts to say that knowing how you and the rest of my people have suffered for all these centuries under the Brethren. If you and I are fated for each other, there must be a reason.”

Isavelle muses on this for a moment, coiling a tress of my hair around her finger. “Dragon bonds, magic, witches, and visions. There are strong forces in the world, and where there is power, there must be balance, or those with all the power will run rampant. Perhaps that’s what fate is, the ongoing struggle for balance.”

I never thought about it that way before. My father thought he was indestructible because of all the power he wielded. If Isavelle’s right, then maybe Maledin falling was to teach the dragonriders to be humble and know their place, and Isavelle and I aren’t here to put things right, but we are here to rebalance this country and make it stronger.

Isavelle is sunk in thought for a moment. “Just after we met, I had a vision. I think Biddy helped me somehow. It felt like she gave me some of her power but the vision was my own.”

“I’d forgotten about that. She told me that you did. Was your vision of us? Of me?” I ask hopefully.

“It was you, but you looked different to how you look now. Your eyes were blue gray. Your hair was brown.”

My excitement dims. “You saw me how I was before I bonded with Scourge. My hair and eyes changed color a few years ago. Well, a few hundred years ago.” I would have liked to hear that she saw us mated and happy together. My teeth in her neck. My baby inside her. That’s something important that the universe should have shown her. Not how I used to be.

“You reached for me in that vision, like even your past self knew who I was. Do you ever remember seeing me? Maybe in a dream?”
