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“Alphas wanttheirOmega, and you remind him of what he doesn’t have.” I stroke the pad of my thumb over her lips and murmur, “Now do you understand why I’m so crazy about you? It’s a miracle I have you,sha’len.”

There are a hundred curious questions burning behind her eyes. “How…” she begins.

I rest my palm against the pillar by her head, lean closer, and smile at her.How does my scent smell to you? How do our kind have sex? How can I possibly take your knot, Alpha?

All delicious questions that I would love to answer for her.

“How, um…” Isavelle stares at my mouth, her tongue playing over her lip. “What can I…”

I cup her jaw and lower my mouth toward hers. She hesitates, then raises her lips so I can kiss her.

I groan and slant my mouth over hers. My mate tastes as good as she smells, and I hungrily devour her with my tongue until she’s panting.

Isavelle moans against my lips and her hands fist my shirt, dragging me closer until her lush body is pressed against mine.

“Anything you want,sha’len,” I murmur huskily as I press kiss after kiss to her mouth.

“Hmm?” She looks as drunk as I feel. Her expression clears a moment later. “Oh, my question. I was thinking that there must be so many people all over this country whose designations will soon be emerging. What’s going to happen to them? I worry that they might be frightened if the things that happen to me start happening to them and they don’t know why.”

My mate is worried about other Omegas? She truly is a future Queen of Maledin. “That’s a very important question, and it’s something we should talk about with theHratha’len. I would enjoy having your help with this.”

She thinks about this for a moment and nods. “What will happen to the humans? Will they be told to leave Maledin?”

“Of course not. Maledin is for everyone who calls this place home. Humans will be allowed to live in peace and mate with whomever they choose, human or Maledinni. There were humans living here in my time, though not as many as there are now.”

“That’s a relief. I hope there won’t be any trouble between us all.”

“So do I. But we were talking about you and me. Thank you for coming to talk to me about all this. You made me very happy, my beautiful little dragon.”

Isavelle smiles and pushes lightly on my stomach. “I don’t need to be flattered all the time.” Then she peeps up at me as if she’s hoping I’ll say it again.

My smile is smoldering. Sure, you don’t,sha’len.

“Maybe. But your Alpha is going to say it anyway.”

* * *

At dusk,I fill a pouch with chicken necks, one of Scourge’s favorite treats, tie it to my belt, and walk over to the dragongrounds.

The dragonmaster is in the middle of the flare with his dragon, Nilak, polishing her gleaming white neck with a soft cloth. He takes his time with the preening female, lavishing her with attention and care. Between strokes of the cloth, Stesha murmurs to her, and she stretches her neck out to its fullest extent for him and closes her eyes.

I imagine what Scourge would do if I stood for hours polishing his scales. Probably roar in disgust and belt me across the dragongrounds with his spiny head.

The female Beta dragons of the flare are all clustered around Stesha and Nilak, nibbling at each other’s wing folds or dozing in the last of the sun’s rays.

How strange that Stesha lost his temper at Isavelle. Usually he ignores Omegas, going so far as to walk straight past them and pretending not to hear when they speak. I wonder if he disapproves of Isavelle and believes that the Flame King’s mate is too young, weak, and naïve to stand by my side. Perhaps he’s heard how she hasn’t bonded with a dragon, and doesn’t even like to ride a dragon. Or it could be that he’s bitter that an Omega is blossoming under his nose and it’s not his Omega.


He can keep his bitterness and disapproval to himself. I won’t have him upsetting my mate again.

I glimpse Scourge up on the bluff, pretending he hasn’t scented the raw chicken necks I’m carrying. He uses the pointy part of one of his wing bones to idly scratch his side, but his red gaze is fixed on the pouch at my hip.

I stop a dozen yards from the dragonmaster and fold my arms. “My Omega is a brat, I hear.”

Stesha glances over his shoulder and greets me with the tiniest dip of his head possible before turning back to his gleaming white dragon, who’s watching me with haughty, icy blue eyes. No apology from Stesha. No explanation.

Stesha and I wondered at one time whether our dragons would mate, but while Scourge and Nilak are courteous and respectful, they’ve shown no further interest in each other. Personally, I think Scourge finds Nilak stuck-up and boring. Whenever Scourge is roughhousing with another dragon or roars a greeting to me, Nilak makes a show of hunching her wings and clicking her teeth before turning around and sashaying away, as if to say,Oh, these noisy boys. How tiresome they are. How vulgar.The only Alpha Nilak has any regard for is her own rider, and he treats her like a queen.
