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“Drop that right now,” I shout. “Don’t you dare take off.”

But the turquoise dragon ignores me, launches into the sky, and flies away toward the bluff. Nilak screams in outrage and lunges for the little thief, but the turquoise dragon is too fast, and Nilak’s teeth click on empty air.

Stesha glares at the turquoise dragon as she reaches the cliff and settles on a ledge, but does absolutely nothing to call her back.

“Oh, no you don’t.” I set off after the dragon at a run. Those are Scourge’s chicken necks, not hers. When I finally catch up and heave myself onto the ledge, she’s ripped open the pouch and has already devoured the chicken necks.

I snatch the torn pouch up and shake it at her. “You little thief. Those were for Scourge, your Alpha and the leader of this flare. How dare you steal from him.”

The dragon ducks her head sheepishly and gazes up at me with beautiful turquoise eyes, rimmed with gold. Shuffling closer with her belly low to the ground, she pushes her head into my hand and nuzzles it, making pleading little noises.

I feel my temper draining away and automatically caress her scales. Well, she’s young, and maybe she didn’t know she was misbehaving or she couldn’t help herself when she smelled chicken. Really excellent battle dragons are spirited in their youth, and this one is beautiful as well. From the looks of her, she hasn’t yet presented her designation, but she reminds me of Isavelle when she has her rare moments of sweetness.

I stop scratching the dragon’s jaw and stare at her, remembering what Stesha just said.

Your Omega is a brat, and so is her dragon.

Dragonfire and piss.

I study the turquoise dragon. Small size. Hungry for treats because she’s at the bottom of the flare. Coaxing an Alpha to make a fuss of her and forgive her when she’s misbehaved. Beautiful coloring and a surprisingly adorable appearance for a creature with sharp teeth and talons.

I scrub a hand down my face and mutter a curse. Two Omegas. Two Omegas who are rapidly realizing they’re irresistible and know how to wrap me around their little claws. Two Omegas to worry about, keep happy, and protect.

The dragon thumps her rear leg on the ground, shrieks to get my attention, and then nuzzles against my hand. When I don’t immediately stroke her scales, she nips at my fingers.

Make a fuss of me or I will EAT you, her furious gold-rimmed eyes say.

If this dragon decides Isavelle is her rider and Scourge is her mate, I’m going to have my hands full.



As the days pass, my heart aches for any whisper about the people of western Maledin. If they’re not in Grendu, then the only other place they can be is to the south, behind that barrier.

The mysterious barrier consumes my thoughts.

From what I’ve heard, the barrier is a colorless, shimmering veil that’s impassable to all who’ve tried to cross it. The dragonriders and wingrunners mutter darkly about the two wyverns who accidentally flew through it with their riders. All four bodies were found on our side of the barrier, dead and mutilated in ghastly ways. No one’s sure if it’s the barrier that ripped them apart or whatever lives beyond it.

Posette and Santha do their best to keep my spirits up and are always happy to accept my help when I go looking for them. Losing myself in work with them helps me control my worries.

One crisp, gray morning, the three of us are churning butter in a freezing outbuilding in the kitchen courtyard. We all have pink cheeks and are slightly out of breath, and my arms are aching as I work the wooden churn over and over again. The contraption is almost as tall as I am, and the plunger grows heavy as the curds thicken.

“We heard that you and the Flame King received an emissary from the Brethren in the Great Hall a few days ago,” Santha says, pausing to drag the back of her hand across her sweaty upper lip.

I keep my head ducked as I feel my cheeks burn even harder. I expect Posette to giggle and waggle her eyebrows at me, but neither girl seems to know anything that went on between Zabriel and me that night, thank the stars.

“Um. Yes. The High Priest asked for my return, and Zabriel refused.”

If my family is behind the barrier, I wonder if they’re all right. The Brethren have always left my family alone, and I hope that it stays that way.

“That’s because he’s in love with you and he’s going to make you his queen,” Posette says with a dreamy smile on her face. “I wonder what a Flame King’s wedding is like. I imagine it will be spectacular.”

“Zabriel and I barely know each other. You’re getting ahead of yourself.”

“If you’re going to be the high and mighty queen of this castle, you’ll need ladies’ maids. That could be us,” Santha says, waggling her thumb between herself and Posette.

“Me, have maids? What does a lady’s maid even do?”
