Page 32 of Sunshine's Grump

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“Wh-what are you doing?” Her voice was lower, sultry, and her arm in my hand was blazingly hot.

I didn’t dare to stop and look at her, or answer her. I could sense the haze of a rut beginning to fog my thoughts, and if I didn’t move fast, I’d be knotting her in the damned hallway. We reached her room, and I turned to face her at last. “Have you built a nest in your room?”

For the first time since I’d met her, she wasn’t smiling or faking a smile, or even trying to look anything other than what she was.

Pissed off.

“Tell me. If I opened that door, would there be a nest in there?”

“I don’t have to answer that.”

“I know. But I want you to.” I ran my nose along her neck. “Do you trust me?”She tightened her lips, refusing to answer. There was a tiny speck of whipped cream on her cheek, and I leaned down and licked it off slowly, deliberately. “Sunshine, answer me.”

She lowered her head so I was staring at the top of her hair, and muttered, “If you can’t say anything nice, don't say anything at all.” I knew she was talking to herself.

“Your call, brat.” I pulled the key card out of my pocket and ran it over the lock pad, then lifted her up and carried her inside.

The room had been destroyed. The mattress was off the bed and on its side, creating a wall in one corner of the room. Clothing was draped over all the light fixtures, and a blanket taped over the long window on the far wall, blocking out the daylight even more thoroughly than the blinds. I had no idea where the rest of the pillows and blankets had gone, but they were either in the tiny closet or…

“Youhavebuilt a nest, haven’t you?” I breathed, the heady scent of flowers and coconut making my mouth water. Underneath her scent, there were hints of my own.

“I’m sorry I ruined your things,” she replied, her voice soft. “I know you wanted a betasitter for Sylvia, not an omega. And I didn’t know my cycle would get so weird; I swear I’ve been regular for years now—”

I put a finger over her lips and lifted her up to stand on the bed’s bare platform, holding onto her shoulders. “Did you go to Dr. Rimbolt this morning for pain medication?”She nodded, still not looking at me. “Is it wearing off?” When she didn’t answer, I shook her gently. “Answer me, Sunshine. Are you in pain now?”

“Yes,” she muttered, her voice rising in a slight whine as she fidgeted.

“And is that your nest, Omega?”

“It’s a terrible nest,” she muttered. “There’s not enough…” Her eyes darted to mine, then down again. “There’s not enough good smells in it.”

I let go of her shoulder with one hand and reached behind my back with the other, pulling the shirt I’d worn off in one movement. I balled it up in one fist, then rubbed it on her neck and down her chest until she took it from me. “Smells like this, cupcake? Alpha scents. My scent, and yours.”

She nodded, stuffing the shirt behind her back, like a child concealing something naughty. I let go of her and she scurried back to the corner, pushing her way behind the mattress, hiding.

So fucking cute. There was nowhere she could hide from me.

I followed, peeking over the divider and discovering what had to be most of the spare blankets on board covering that part of the floor. Weirdly, there were washcloths and towels in there as well, what looked like a slim, beta-sized dildo, and… “My belt?”

“Mine now,” she snarled, busy rubbing my shirt over the tops of all the blankets. I watched her, my heart aching for some reason.

She deserved a real nest. A room devoted to her comfort and pleasure. With silk pillows and soft blankets, dim lighting, and an alpha she loved. I wanted to ask her if she loved him, the alpha she’d chosen, but I couldn’t make the words come out.

Instead, I asked, “Will you let me help, Omega?”



“Will you let me help, Omega?”

My thinking was fuzzy like it tended to get when my heat cycle was imminent, but something in Giovanni’s voice made me stop the frenetic folding and fluffing of the pillows, blankets, and towels I’d been hoarding in secret for the past two nights.

Two excruciating nights.

I hadn’t seen the alpha that my ridiculous body seemed to be fixated on for over a day, and with every passing hour, the pain of not having him in my sight—in mynest—had grown more agonizing.

But the painkillers the doctor had given me, as well as the dildo Clotilde had somehow managed to scrounge up from one of the crew—new and still in the packaging, thank god—had given me enough sanity to be able to do my job.
