Page 33 of Sunshine's Grump

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“Why?” I croaked out, seeing that bright pink dildo now, at the edge of my nest. I hoped Giovanni hadn’t noticed it, right next to his belt. “Why do you want to help?”

“You’re my responsibility—” he began.

I cut him off. “No thank you, then. Go away.” My core pulsed with a painful, searing heat. “I… I appreciate the offer, though.”

“Do you want Anne-Marie?” His growl made me shudder.


“The alpha. Anne-Marie, she’s the sister of my CFO. She was touching you.” His voice had dropped to a rumble so low, I almost couldn’t make out his words.

“Oh. Her. Yes… I…” I lifted a hand to my face and looked up. Giovanni was trembling as he stared down at me, something in his gaze that looked like rage or angst or… fear?

What could he be afraid of?

I murmured, “I had whipped cream on my face. She was just wiping it.”

Relief washed over his features, and the rioting emotions sank beneath the surface of his dark eyes again. “Omega, please, let me into your nest. Please let me help you.” The words were raw and truthful, and the stuff of every omega’s dreams. A strong, virile alpha begging to come into my nest? My hand slipped down from my face to my neck, and another thought came through.

He wanted to help me. But he wasn’t planning to stick around. He wouldn’t want to be tied to me, and there were real dangers to accepting a temporary alpha for a heat. “No biting,” I said firmly. “This isn’t permanent.”

“I would never do that.” His eyes snapped with fire. “You don’t need to worry.”

For some reason, I whimpered. He would never bite me? Never claim me? I knew I should be relieved, but it felt like I’d been kicked in the stomach. I couldn’t speak.

“May I enter your nest, Omega?” he asked, more quietly. “I only want to help you.”

Not to mate me, claim me, or love me. I dropped my eyes and slapped a hand over my mouth, trying to breathe through the sudden urge to scream at him. To demand to know why I wasn’t good enough. Why he was so closed off, so untouchable.

But then another wave of cramping hit, and I cried out. “Yes, Alpha. Help me.”

For a large man, he moved gracefully. Pressing his hands against the wall, he leaped over the mattress without knocking it down. There was almost not enough room for both of us to sit in the nest together, but he sat cross-legged and pulled me onto his lap, my back to his chest, and held me quietly for a moment while the cramp passed. “Better, Sunshine?”

“Mmhm,” I replied. I had my nose pressed as deeply into his arm as I could, sucking in his mocha scent. The pain and tension that had been mounting in my body began to transform into warm eddies of lust. I had on a scent-blocking pad that the doctor had found in the ship’s supplies, since I’d used all mine, but it was growing uncomfortably damp from the amount of slick my body was producing. I squirmed a little, and felt teeth on my shoulder, holding me in place.

“No biting!” I squeaked, my stomach jumping like I was at the top of a roller coaster.

“I promised, Sunshine. This will just be pleasure. Hand me that toy, would you?”

Oh shit.He’d seen the dildo.

I obeyed, and he held it up in front of my face. “Did you bring this from home, naughty girl?”

“No,” I admitted, squirming on his lap. His giganta-dick was pressing into my spine from my ass halfway up my back, it felt like. “This was from a crew member who had an extra.”

His face froze as he dropped the pink silicone toy, like it was on fire. “You borrowed a dildo?”

“Oh my god, no! It was new! In the packaging, I swear.”

He grunted, but still glared at it like it was a sleeping snake. “Do you have one like it?” His hands moved to the waistband of my shorts, and he tucked his thumbs underneath and slid them, along with my underwear, down my legs.

“Mine are bigger,” I managed to say, though he was staring down at my exposed pussy, blowing a stream of cool air over my shoulder. It was making me hotter, filling the nest with his scent.

“Bigger?” He grabbed my shirt and pulled it over my head, then deftly undid the front clasp on my bra. He snorted, almost a laugh. “I like your lingerie, Sunshine. Not what I expected.” He held up the bra, reading the printed words out loud. “‘Spank me, Daddy?’”

“It was a gift from my best friend,” I tried to explain, but then his hand was around my throat, and he shushed me.

“You don’t need to be embarrassed about anything that brings you pleasure, little Sunshine. Is that something you’ve tried? Being spanked?” His eyes blazed a trail over my naked breasts. “Would you like me to spank those gorgeous, soft tits, and your curvy ass as well?”
