Page 7 of He Found Me

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I return home at 6:00 AM, having eradicated one of my problems. My head pounds with the stress and responsibility my lifestyle brings. How is it that I erase one complication only to find another has appeared in its place? A prime example of this is currently lay sleeping in my bed. Her blonde hair, tinged with pink, lies fanned across my pillow. She’s curled up on her side, Long legs with flawless, smooth skin crossed over each other. Her arms are wrapped around something? I am not sure what they’re wrapped around, actually. Is that a teddy? I stand and take her in for a moment. She looks like an angel brightening up my dark grey bed. She was supposed to be the means to an end. But now I think she may be the beginning of something I hadn’t bargained for.

I remove my blood-stained clothes and run myself a bath, needing to soak off the night’s drama and clear my head.

Closing my eyes, I let the warmth of the water soothe my aching muscles. The image of Katherine appears prominently in my mind. When I saw her, I thought I would feel the pain and hate for her, that has tormented me for years. That her deceit and betrayal would fuel the plans I have for her. I was not prepared for the calm I felt when I looked into her eyes. When Marco put his hand on her shoulder, it took all my strength not to pull my gun out from under my desk and put a bullet in my number one’s head.

The sound of the bathroom door opening disturbs me from my thoughts. A very sleepy-looking Katherine hurries in and takes a seat on the toilet. Completely oblivious to my presence. She puts her head in her hands and mumbles something to herself. I smile at the sight of her. She has always fascinated me.

“Good morning, Katherine.” It takes her a few seconds to look at me, but when she does, her face is a picture. I chuckle at the mortified look and watch her exit at a record pace.

With a towel wrapped around me, I go to my wardrobe and pull out some clothes. Katherine watches me, clearly in shock at my brazen actions.

“Leo? What is going on? You said this was my room, and then you come in unannounced, using my bathroom, walking around in next to nothing? I need you to speak to me, Leo. What is going on?”

Without saying a word, I drop my towel and begin to get dressed with my back to Katherine.

“What the?! Leo!” I’m hit on the back with a pillow; I hear stomping about, and the bathroom door slams. She’s mad, and I like it.

Once I am dressed, I unlock the bathroom door from my side and stand at the sink mirror to do my hair. I try not to look at her naked body behind me.

“Ahh, Seriously! Leo, I am in the shower!”

I ignore her outburst.

“To answer your questions, this is now ‘our’ room. We will, from now on, be living together and sharing a room.”

“What?! No, don’t be ridiculous. Why would I do that?”

“Because Katherine, very soon, you will be my wife.” I walk out of the bathroom, close the door, leaving Katherine shouting obscenities and slamming the shower door.

Chapter 4


I join Marco in the sitting room. One of the housekeepers pours us both coffee while Marco goes over the distribution restructure; now, our little whistle-blower has been erased. We are disturbed from our discussion by the door swinging open.

“Leo. Thank you so much for your hospitality. I will repay you for the flights, but I must go now. It was great to see you again. Goodbye.”

Katherine leaves the room, swinging her hips and pulling her little case behind her.

Macro raises his eyebrow at me, no doubt at the fact my face has an amused smirk which he definitely doesn’t see very often. We both sit in silence, listening to her try and open the front door. The annoyed chatter coming from her makes me bark a laugh. Marco shakes his head at me.

“Leo, I can’t seem to open the door. Could you let me out, please?”


“What do you mean no? You can’t keep me here! Who the hell do you think you are? Let me go, or I will ring the police!” Marco stands, grunting in annoyance. No one would ever disrespect me by speaking to me the way Katherine is. No one would ever dare call me Leo. People have lost their lives for less. She will learn her place.

“Take a seat, Katherine.” I point to a chair at the side of me. Eventually, she reluctantly sits downs.

“I have recently taken over my father’s business.” I begin. “It seems to ensure my reign..” Katherine snorts a laugh.

“Sorry, your reign? Seriously Leo, what are you, the king of Italy?”

“Questo è esattamente ciò che è.” “That is exactly what he is,” Marco states from behind me.

Katherine’s eyes dart towards him.
