Page 8 of He Found Me

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“Stai zitto!”Be quiet! I glare in return.

“As I was saying. To ensure I fill my role adequately, I need a wife. And seeing as you so kindly offered, I have decided to take you up on it.”

“What offer? When have I ever said I would marry you? You can’t seriously be talking about a letter I wrote to you at 15 years old?”

“You were actually 16 at that time, and yes. A handwritten and signed agreement.”

“Well, I have changed my mind. I don’t even know you, Leo.”

Although I knew this would be her reaction, I feel a tingle of annoyance.

“I am afraid you don’t have any other option, Katherine. I have taken the liberty of arranging a lawyer for you to go through the proposal. This lawyer is completely independent; we had not met until yesterday. I have paid his fees, but he works for you.”

“Agla?!” Alga, my housekeeper, appears at the sitting room door. “Send in Mr. Brooks.”


This cannot be happening; he cannot be serious. A grey-haired gentleman sheepishly enters the room. He greets Leo and Marco without making eye contact.

“We will leave you to discuss matters in private.” Leo and Marco Leave the room, closing the door behind them. Mr. Brooks takes a seat beside me and pulls some documents out of his briefcase.

“He can’t be serious, can he?”

“Oh, Miss Harris. I am afraid Mr. Guerra is always serious.”

“Ok, so how do I get out of this?”

“I can assure you, Miss Harris...”

“Please call me Katie.”

“I have been instructed to only address you as Miss Harris and to stay at least 4 feet away from you at all times.” Mr. Brooks looks at the space between us, obviously calculating the distance. He shuffles his chair further away from mine. I decide to ignore his comments and encourage him to continue.

“You were saying, Mr. Brooks?”

“Yes, I can assure you I have been through this contract with a fine-tooth comb, and I cannot find a way out. Believe me, Miss, I have tried. I do not agree with what he is doing. Unfortunately, though, in this country, a handwritten signed document written by anyone aged 16 or over is a law-binding agreement. For any breach of the contract, Mr. Guerra can take legal action. Although considering who Mr. Guerra is, I don’t think ‘legal’ action would be the road he takes.”

“What do you mean ‘who’ Mr Guerra is?” Mr. Brooks hands me some papers.

“You need to read these. Contact numbers are at the bottom of the page if you have any questions. My advice to you, Miss Harris, is to keep your head down and try to find a way of Mr Guerra cancelling the proposal himself.”

As if Leo has been listening to the conversation, he enters the room.

“I will see you out, Mr Brooks.”

Left in the room on my own, I look at the papers in my hand. Marriage Contract, is written at the top of one of the sheets. It has a list of what will be expected of ‘Mrs Guerra.’

1.As the wife of Leonardo Guerra, it is not necessary for you to work. All your needs will be provided for.

2.As part of the Guerra family, you will be expected to keep a healthy diet and exercise. Training will be arranged at convenient times by Mr. Guerra.

3.Guerra has a reputation to uphold; you must always look your uttermost best.

4.You will be expected to be available to Mr. Guerra at all times.

5.You will attend events and must always stay at Mr. Guerra’s side.

6.As your husband, you will obey and respect every decision he makes.
