Page 7 of Carried Away

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“Thank you!” she says, relief washing over her face. “That would be awesome.”

Warmth spreads in my chest at the way she looks at me. I could get used to being looked at that way. So much nicer than the scowl Livvie seems to shoot me every time we’re in the same room.

I clear my throat. “Sit tight. I’ll be back in a few.”

I head toward a wooden door at the back of the shop, unlock it, and disappear behind it. Five minutes later, I’m working to catch my breath before I open the door again, dressed, showered, and all the grime cleaned out from under my nails. This is as good as I’m gonna look on such a short time. Hopefully, it’s good enough.

Chapter 7

Thoughtful Gestures


CI’vejusthungupmy phone with my hotel, adding a couple of extra days to my room when Ryan steps back into the garage, completely transformed.

I let out a long, slow breath. Holy crap. This man is trouble.

I give myself a mental shake. Now is not the appropriate time to be thinking about Ryan that way. I just buried my father, for crying out loud. I should be in mourning.

I stand and smooth my hands down my skirt and ogle him one last time. Holyhot, Batman!

I’d expected Ryan to reappear in a new pair of jeans and a T-shirt. Instead, he comes out in slacks and a blue button-down shirt, open at the neck. It brings out the blue in his eyes, making me almost unable to look away.

Don’t gawk. Don’t drool. Keep it together, woman!

I raise my brows. “You had that hanging in your closet in the back? It seems kinda random. I mean, I wasn’t expecting it. I mean, I thought you were gonna come out in something more…I dunno…”

I snap my mouth closed. My cheeks are so hot, they’re probably the color of Bing cherries now. Why do I have to ramble when I’m nervous? And why does he have to look so stinking good in just a button-up shirt and slacks? C’mon, man! Throw me a bone and look bad in something!

I sneak a glance at Ryan’s face. He’s grinning.

Is he laughing at my inability to articulate a thought around him? Is he flattered? Entertained? Perfect. Not.

Ryan chuckles and runs a hand through his still-wet hair and looks up at me through his long eyelashes. “I figured you’d be more comfortable if I was wearing something nicer since you’re in a dress. I didn’t want you to feel out of place.”

I stare at him, my mouth gaping.

He drops his hand from his hair and knits his brows together. His lips dip into a frown. “Unless you’d prefer I change.”

He turns to go, and I grab his arm, practically yelling, “No!”

Ryan stills and turns back to me, his eyes wide and confused.

“I’m sorry. It just…” I drop my hand from his arm and sigh, way too flustered for my own good. “That’s incredibly thoughtful of you. I wasn’t expecting the gesture.” And it’s not something my family would have ever done for me.

Ryan straightens and his smile returns in full force. His slate blue eyes seem to turn green, locking with mine. “In that case, I’m glad I thought of it,” he says.

I stare at him and he stares back. I have a million things I want to say, but it doesn’t seem like the right time for any of them. Finally, I let out a breath and say, “Where would you like to eat?”

He blinks like a spell has been broken. “You remember Hugh from high school?”

I nod.

“He has a sandwich shop here in town. I thought we could go there.”

Chapter 8

