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“It’s technically all my domain, but we’re done for the night and he’s ready to go home,” JD said.

“Are you done? Are you ready? Should I wait at the bar?” I asked and turned to look behind me.

As I started to turn around, I felt strong hands come around my waist. I let out a soft yelp as JD practically lifted me up and turned me around so I was facing him. I put my hands on his shoulders and smiled at him as he looked down at me.

“I’m done, there is no need to wait. I’ve been ready for this date, this moment, since I asked you so, please don’t go to the bar. Please don’t make me wait another moment before you let me kiss you,” he said.

He kept his arms wrapped around my waist but his hold was light, friendly, inviting even. I could feel his slight hesitation as if to tell me that even though he wanted to kiss me, he wouldn’t if I didn’t want it.

I had never had a man want to kiss me before we had even officially gone on a date, but nothing had been normal with JD and me. It still wasn’t even remotely a normal relationship. Why would our first kiss be any different?

As I looked at him, I knew that I wanted to kiss him. I had from the moment I had met him and I agreed with him, I didn’t want to wait another moment before we kissed either.

“Then what are you waiting for?” I asked.

JD tightened his hold around my waist and pulled me to him. I ran my hands up his arms and over his shoulders as our eyes stayed locked. I remembered how he had said he wanted to look at me until the moment we kissed. Having us do it only added to the excitement and anticipation.

I kept my eyes open right until our lips touched and as JD closed his and gave himself into the kiss. I did the same, my mouth opened slightly at the feel of his lips against mine. JD immediately flicked his tongue inside as his hands ran up and down my back. I moaned into his mouth as my tongue started to dance with his.

He was a good kisser. I had a feeling he would be, but I hadn’t counted on him being that good. My body came alive being in his arms, feeling his mouth and tongue next to mine. I pulled him closer to me and rubbed my body up against his. I could feel his erection growing and it was his turn to moan.

I couldn’t figure out if our short time together had just been the longest form of foreplay I had ever had, or I just wanted JD that much. Either way, my mind started to think of where we could continue what we were doing, but with a lot less clothes. My hands moved down his back and to his ass, giving it a good squeeze.

JD laughed into my mouth and slowly broke our kiss. He was breathing heavily as he put his head on my forehead and let out a soft sigh.

“Damn,” he said.

“You like?” I asked.

“If I had any idea kissing you would be like that, I would have done it ages ago, and not in my kitchen,” he said.

“You weren’t too bad yourself,” I teased as I leaned my head onto his chest.

He wrapped his arms around me and ran his fingers lazily up and down my back. I could still feel his erection long and hard between us. As he slowly got his breathing back to normal, so did the rest of him. Neither one of us spoke, content to just hold each other and enjoy the feeling of being this close to one another.

“Was that the only thing you had in mind for us tonight?” I asked after a few moments.

“It’s the only one that I can think about at the moment,” he said with a laugh.

“Have you eaten?” I asked.

“No. Have you?” he asked.

“I had a late lunch, so it’s been a while. Do you want to go somewhere? It's New York, I’m sure we can find something open this time at night.”

He leaned back and looked at me and gave me a slow smile. “How about we eat at one of the newest and best restaurants in the city?”

I had a feeling I knew where he was going but I thought to tease him and drag it out a bit.

“Dominichi’s? I don’t think they’re open this late,” I said.

“I’m not talking about Dominichi’s and you know it,” he said and tickled my sides.

I yelped and tried to twist away from him but he only held me tighter and tickled me more.

“You’re ticklish. That’s an interesting little tidbit to know. I wonder what other sensitive spots I’ll find on you?” he asked.

I howled with laughter and tried to tickle him as well, only to quickly find out he wasn’t ticklish at all. He was stronger than me by far, but he wasn’t forceful or overbearing with his hold or how he tickled me. I knew if I so much as said stop, or tensed up, he would let me go. I liked being in his arms too much to do that, even if he was making me breathless with laughter.
