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“He’s so handsome,” Ava says. “I wish handsome men fell out of the sky for me as easily as they seem to do with you.” She sighs as her expression softens. She always acts like that when it comes to handsome men.

I scoff. “Who cares if he’s handsome? He’s the biggest asshole on the face of the planet. I can tell he likes to boss me around. Sometimes I get this feeling that he’s testing me.”

Ava tilts her head. “Why would he want to test you?”

That’s what I can’t seem to figure out. WhywouldCarter want to test me? I can’t imagine it’s to size me up to determine whether I’m right for the position or not. The work I do over these next few weeks should be enough proof of that for him. No, he’s testing me for something else.

I shake my head. “I don’t know. It’s the way he looks at me and how he phrases things...It always feels like he’s trying to reel a confession out of me.”

Ava shrugs. “Sounds kind of hot.” She narrows her eyes on me as she thinks all this over. “But, Mia. You’ve been bossed around by plenty of executives over the years. Why does this one suddenly bother you?”

Now that I think about it, I suppose he doesn’t ask me to do anything a typical executive producer wouldn’t ask of his assistant. I run errands, organize his office and schedule, and I give my input on the series. It isn’twhathe has me do. It isn't even how he asks me to do it. So, what is it?

“I can’t explain that exactly,” I say. “He just bothers me.”

Ava rests her arms on our table and leans forward. “Maybe it’s because you like him,” she says, smiling at me from ear to ear.

I huff. “Idon’tlike Carter.”

“You have to admit you’re at least attracted to him, right?” She wags her index finger at me. “He’s totally your type. Tall, well-built, nice hair, great dresser. I bet you smell his jacket every night after you get home from work.”

“Heavens, no, Ava.” I wince at the thought. “That’s so gross.”

She breaks into a giggle fit. “Sure.”

I bite my lip. Maybe I don’t sniff his jacket when I’m home alone—now that I think of it, I should have returned that long ago—but I have caught myself enjoying the scent of his cologne whenever he sits close to me. The way his office smells exactly like his car on the day of my wedding. Sandalwood and myrtle. Like the scent of the breeze in a forest on a gorgeous spring day. Would I mind that scent being all over me? Or Carter, for that matter?

“Fine,” I say. “Maybe I do find him attractive. But attraction isn’t enough. I thought Michael was attractive when I first met him, too. Look how that turned out.”

“Not everyone is Michael, though.” Ava takes a sip of her latte, clasping the white mug in both hands. “Hey, maybe when this internship is over, it wouldn’t hurt to take advantage of that attraction for Carter in a more personal way.”

“What do you mean?” I ask.

I must make a face because she wiggles her eyebrows up and down.


She chuckles. God, I hate how much she enjoys teasing me. “Just because you’re newly single doesn’t mean you can’t have a little fun. Must I remind you sex doesn’t have to involve feelings?”

I prefer it to, though. But I suppose sex isn’t completely off the table. It might even help me relax a bit more.

“Anyway, enough about my boss,” I say, adjusting myself in the wooden chair. “Tell me what’s going on in your life.”

Ava sighs. “Where to even begin? I wish I had your problems. The law firm is going through a serious crisis with my boss duking it out with a client of ours.”

I raise my brows. I guess my work issues are pretty miniscule compared to what Ava has to go through. I’d take my boss over a potential lawsuit any day.

“Anyway, it’s all my boss’s fault,” Ava continues, finishing off what’s left in her cup. “He’s too prideful. He’ll never admit when he’s wrong.”

I huff. Sounds like someone else I know.

Suddenly, Ava peers over at the counter and gasps. “Holy shit, it’s Kristen.”

I don’t think I’ve ever whipped my head around faster. It is Kristen, and standing beside her is Sarah as they place their order. Thanks to Kristen’s blonde hair pulled back in a sleek ponytail, I can identify her from her side profile alone. She’s wearing a hot pink skirt that falls slightly above the knee, paired with a white blouse with multi-colored polka dots all over it, and nude pumps. I shake my head. She really needs to tone down on the brights.

Sarah locks her icy blue eyes on me, then whispers something in Kristen’s ear. Within seconds, Kristen is glaring at me.

I’m not usually the person to cause a scene, but the thought of her pretending to be my friend while she was fucking my fiancé gets the better of me. Or perhaps it’s the smug smile that’s spreading on her face that does the trick.
