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I never take my eyes off her as I rise from my seat.

“Mia,” Ava says, catching onto my wrist. “Are you sure you want to face her?”

“I’ve never been more certain,” I say, shaking Ava’s hand off me so I can meet Kristen by the pick-up counter.

“Kristen, Sarah,” I say when I approach them. I cross my arms over my chest.

“Mia,” Kristen sings, pretending to be cordial as she eyeballs my sheer black button-up blouse.

“Long time no see,” Sarah says. “Nice lipstick, by the way.”

“I don’t recall you ever wearing such dark lipstick while you were seeing Michael,” Kristen adds as she analyzes my deep wine-stained lips.

I never wore red shades while I was with Michael. He wasn’t crazy about getting my lipstick on him, so I always stuck with nudes and light pinks. Another reason I’m glad we’re over. I catered to his needs, even small ones like this, at my own expense far too often.

“It’s only been a few weeks,” I say with a smirk. “And I wasn’t just seeing Michael. I wasengagedto him.” I won’t let her soften what she’s done by downplaying my relationship with him. She had plenty of time to come clean about the affair, not let me find out through a video on my wedding day.

“People have been asking me about you at work,” Kristen says with a fake frown. “Everyone is so sad you quit so suddenly. And about the wedding.”

I tilt my head. “Did you mention it was because you were pouncing on my fiancé behind my back?”

She scoffs, then meets eyes with Sarah. They exchange knowing glances before Kristen returns her focus to me. What the hell? Was Sarah aware of the affair this entire time, too? How many people knew about this?

“As far as I’m concerned, he isn’t your fiancé anymore,” Kristen says.

My desire to confront her about what she did suddenly dissipates. I was living in my own little world, ignoring the signs of him not being a good partner and not picking up on how these people acted around me. Were all those years a lie?

“Nor is he your boyfriend,” Ava says, finally joining us. “Must you be reminded that Michael didn’t leave Mia for you? From what I’ve heard, now that Michael is single, he doesn’t have any interest in you.”

Kristen takes a step forward, and Sarah has to grab her by the shoulder to stop her. Apparently, Ava is right.

“You better check your sources,” Kristen threatens.

“Ava, let’s just go,” I say. “She isn’t worth the scene this is causing.”

“When are you going to admit I did you a favor?” Kristen asks when I start to turn around.

I face her again. “By seducing my fiancé?”

She smirks. “By sending that video to you.”

My lips part. “It was you?” She must have been planning this shit out for weeks. But it makes sense. Who else would have access to a video like that? She probably planned it before they had sex, ensuring their names would be heard, allowing for no doubts about the participants. “And you just had to wait until the wedding day for that? Typical you.”

Kristen lets out a sinister laugh, but Sarah takes a step back, finally uncomfortable with her friend’s actions.

I can’t let her know this is getting to me.

I straighten up my shoulders. “Well, thanks.”

Kristen’s brows furrow. “Thanks? That’s all you have to say?”

I nod. “After a lot of reflection, I realized I didn’t love Michael as much as I thought I did. Sure, I may have cared about him, but I was really only in love with the idea of him. I’m grateful you were able to help me see the light before I made the biggest mistake of my life. I guess you proved to be useful after all,” I say.

I turn on my heels but stop and glance back at her. “Can you at least tell him to stop texting me? It’s really pathetic for someone who is supposed to have moved on,” I add and barely resist the urge to pull out my phone and show her the messages. I won’t stoop so low.

Her jaw drops, but I don’t wait for her response. I grab Ava and lead her out of the café. Boy, was that exhilarating.

“What the hell?” Ava says as we’re heading back to my apartment. “How could Kristen do that to you? And why would Sarah take her side? You were so cool back there, though. I wouldn’t have been able to handle things as smoothly as you did. Is that really how you feel now?”
