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Luke wipes his mouth with a napkin. “It might be a little impossible to know if he really does dispose of everything, though. He could keep some and expose them regardless of your threats.”

“If he does, I have a backup plan,” I say, my lips curling into a devious grin.

“Do I even want to know?” Luke takes a drink from his cup filled with sparkling water. “You said you’re casting soon, right? Does that mean you’re heading to LA?” he asks, opting to change the topic.

I tilt my head back and groan as I crack open a can of soda. “I wish you wouldn’t have brought that up.”

Luke bites into a spoonful of fried rice. “Have they tried reaching out to you?”

“They try all the time.” I sigh, wiping my hands with a napkin, keeping my gaze on my soda. “I really don’t want to see them.”

“You’ll be so busy with work,” Luke assures me. “You could probably use that as an excuse.”

I nod, but I know my parents. They’ll be expecting me to pay them a visit regardless of how packed my schedule is. I’ve tried to pull the busy card on them before. It never works.

He doesn’t press any further, and we end up eating in complete silence. After a while, I sweep my gaze down to Luke’s cleared up plate. “Are you done?” I ask, finishing off the last of my food as well. “Want me to help with the dishes?”

“You don’t have to,” Luke starts, but I get up and collect our dirty dishes anyway. It gives me something to do to keep my mind from going back to Mia, and the things I still have yet to do with her. Andtoher.

“You’ve got some pep in your step today.” Luke rises and balances on his crutch to join me at the counter. “How are things going with Mia? Have you made any progress with her?”

I shake my head as I scrub one of the plates. “Nope,” I say, but I can’t keep a straight face as I recall her velvety smooth breasts, the curve of her hips, and her slick pussy. Fuck, she really is the hottest. I’m getting turned on just thinking about her naked body back in my bed.

“Nope?” Luke repeats. “That’s all you have to say? I’m your best friend, Carter. And I’ve been stuck at home for weeks. Give mesomething.”

I shrug, surprised my smile hasn’t given me away.

“Have you seen anyone other than her recently?” he asks and props his elbows on the counter so he can shift his weight onto his good leg. “It isn’t like you to be so tight-lipped like this.”

I mull this over. Now that I think about it, the last hookup I had was the week before I met Mia. After driving her around the city, I was so immersed in my series idea I didn’t think to hit up any of my hookups. Then, when she started working for me, I hadn’t given a second thought to any of my casual relationships. Certainly not in the way I used to.

And I hate to admit it, but I loved every second of Mia getting jealous over Lisa. I wasn’t interested in Lisa at all. I just wanted to see how Mia would react to another woman flirting with me. Her response was exactly what I was hoping for. It means she probably still wants me just as much as I want her.

I set the last of the dishes on the rack to dry. “I gotta run,” I say.

“Carter,” Luke presses, annoyed as hell that I’m not spilling any details.

“Call me if you need anything,” I say, and mimic a phone with my hand. I shoot Luke one final smirk before I head out.

Chapter 21


“Waitforme,”Icall out as the elevator doors in the lobby start to close shut.

I’m already running late for work this morning after my alarm didn’t go off on time. I’ve been such a mess these past few days. Despite being over Carter flirting with Lisa in front of my face, I can’t shake the feeling that things are off at work. A few of the interns have stopped talking to me, and nearly everyone I pass by shoots me a dirty look. The only people I still feel at ease around are Gavin, Amber, and, surprisingly, Carter.

Truthfully, I’ve been dreading coming to work.

Someone holds the elevator door open for me, and I rush inside, patting my hair down. After all the running I did from my rental car to make it to the elevators on time, my hair is a tousled mess.

“Sorry,” I say, giving everyone on the elevator an appreciative nod as I hit the button toward the top floor.

One woman behind me—I believe she’s from the art department—scoffs. “I’m sure she hadherreasons for being late.”

My chest tightens, certain they’re talking about me.

Her friend snickers at this. “Shhh, or the boss might get you fired.”
