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The first woman lets out a huff. “Please. She isn’tthatspecial.”

I keep my composure. They have no reason to talk about me like that, or anyone for that matter. This has to be a misunderstanding. Perhaps I’m thinking too much into this. In any case, I need to stay calm.

Patiently, I wait as the elevator stops on each floor, my professional smile plastered on my face despite the eerie glances I get from some of the staff as they leave.

Once I’m alone, I take out my phone and head straight for my text thread with Ava.

I think people have been talking behind my back at work.I text Ava.

She’s already typing back as soon as I send my first message.

What?! What are you hearing?Ava responds.

I sigh as I recall the last few days. Nothing has stood out to me, leaving me confused as to why I’m so paranoid. Maybe those girls weren’t even talking about me back in the elevator. Or perhaps they confused me for someone else whoiscurrently the center of everyone’s gossip.

When I arrive at the top floor, I head straight for my desk.

Mason looks up from his desk and immediately whispers in Veronica’s ear. She laughs at whatever he says, and they both sweep their eyes over at me.

Gavin crosses over to me with a stack of documents from the printing room. “Mia?” he whispers and places his hand on my arm.

When I turn to him, he gestures for me to follow him. He leads me to the printing room, where we can talk in private.

“Hey, don’t get upset,” he starts. Immediately, my stomach turns. My suspicions were right. “But Veronica told me about a rumor she heard about you.”

I furrow my brows. “What kind of rumor?”

Gavin sighs, clearly uncomfortable being the person who has to deliver this news to me. He peers around the room to make sure we are alone. “Apparently, someone’s going around saying you like to sleep your way to the top.”

My lips part, and my jaw trembles. There’s no way anyone could have found out about Carter and me. I didn’t tell a single person about us having sex aside from Ava, and even then, I was hesitant to tell her. Not because I thought she would tell anyone, but I figured it might be better if I took this secret to my grave.

I bite on my fingernail absentmindedly as I think about who must have started this rumor. Carter wouldn’t say anything, right?

“Are you okay?” Gavin asks.

I stare at him. “Veronica didn’t tell you who she heard it from?”

He shakes his head. “If I knew, I would tell you right away. I’m really sorry, Mia. This sucks. I swear, I don’t believe any of it.”

I lower my head. “It’s okay, Gavin. This isn’t your fault. I’m going to talk with Carter about this and see if he can help me file a complaint.” I cross my arms over my chest. “Can you do me a favor, though?”

“Of course.” He nods.

“If you hear anyone else talking about it, please let me know. We might be able to figure out who started the rumor. Thanks for letting me know.”

“Sure,” Gavin says, and I head straight for Carter’s office before he can say anything further.

On my way there, I keep my eyes on my destination and ignore all the stares and whispers as I pass by the other interns.

Before I reach Carter’s door, one of the creative executives from a few offices down approaches me. We haven’t interacted much, but I do know Mason is the intern he works with exclusively, and he was bummed when he found out his intern was a man.

“Mia,” he says, eyeing me like I’m something to conquer. “How’s everything going this morning?”

“Not great,” I say. I attempt to step forward so I can open Carter’s door, but the executive stops me.

“You know, we haven’t really had a chance to get to know one another.” He glides his index finger across my collarbone. “If you’re interested in learning more about what I do, we should grab lunch and talk.”

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Carter’s voice says from behind me.
