Page 59 of Affogato

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His fingers grazed over pubic hair that was lighter than his own, and softer. He felt a sudden urge to yank Caleb’s jeans down so he could get a look at it. Was it soft brown like the hair on his head? Did it have gold highlights in the sun?

He swallowed back that compulsion and kept searching until he brushed against something hard and so, so warm. It felt everything and nothing like his own all at once, and his desire took a backseat to his curiosity as he explored the texture against his palm.

He felt a rumble and he knew it was Caleb’s groan, but he didn’t look up. Caleb obviously wasn’t trying to tell him anything with the way his fingers had dug into Bodhi’s hips to hold him in place, and from the way he throbbed in Bodhi’s hand, he knew Caleb liked it.

Bodhi was turning him on. He was doing something good.

He felt Caleb start squeezing his hip rhythmically and he finally glanced up to see his lover’s eyes searching his face, damn-near desperate.

Bodhi licked his lips and Caleb’s mouth opened as he sucked in a breath.

‘Kiss me,’ Caleb mouthed.

Bodhi had never been more grateful to read lips, even if his skills were shit. He surged in as he adjusted his grip, and as Caleb began to devour him—all teeth and tongue—Bodhi began to stroke him. He felt Caleb grunt, the vibrations traveling all down Bodhi’s front as Caleb began to rock his hips, fucking into the circle of Bodhi’s fingers.

Yes, yes,yes.

It was everything.

It was perfect.

Bodhi was hard again, but he paid no attention to his own erection. He wanted to watch Caleb lose it, feel him fall apart, to crash over the edge of pleasure and all because of him. He wanted to know that every time Caleb touched his dick ever again, he’d think of Bodhi.

He tightened his grip, stroked upward with a twist, dug his thumb into the sensitive space below the head just the wayheliked when he jerked himself off.

Caleb’s body twitched and he pulled back, eyes a little wide.

“Too much?” Bodhi managed with one hand.

Caleb swallowed heavily, then shook his head. He kept the space between them as he began to fuck his hips forward again, and Bodhi had a sudden vision of what it would be like for Caleb to fuck him like this. To hold Bodhi’s legs apart and thrust inside him—filling him tight and complete and perfect.

He wasn’t ready for that yet. Everything felt too fast and too wild, and he knew he needed to take his time. But he didn’t need to worry. There was no real urgency in Caleb’s kisses, or his touch. There was a trembling desperation that matched his own, but Caleb wasn’t pushing.

He was letting Bodhi take the lead. Until he stopped.

“What’s wrong?” Bodhi managed to ask when he was able to pull far enough away.

Licking his lips so slowly it made Bodhi’s dick twitch, Caleb rolled away from him and stood. He turned to face Bodhi and signed something once. Twice.

Bodhi blinked and forced himself to focus the third time.


His breath stuttered in his lungs as he held both hands up, and Caleb gave him a devastating smile as he took them and eased Bodhi to his feet. Instead of pulling him somewhere or letting go, Caleb just stepped in close, released one hand to curl around Bodhi’s jaw, and kissed him again.

It was slower this time. Sweeter. Possessive.

Bodhi groaned and felt a pulsing need for more—he just didn’t know what he wanted moreof. It was all so confusing, and he felt small and young and completely unsure why someone like Caleb wanted a mess of a man like him.

But he wasn’t about to question it, either. Caleb had pulled back and was staring at Bodhi like he was a wonder—in a good way. In the best way. He linked their hands together again and this time he led Bodhi down the hall and into the bedroom.

The room was darker, but still illuminated enough for Bodhi to see Caleb perfectly. He gestured to the bed and Bodhi walked over, unable to take his eyes off Caleb as the older man reached behind him and grabbed the back of his shirt. He pulled it off with a single tug, and Bodhi felt himself make a deep, rumbling noise in his chest.

Caleb hadn’t heard it, of course, but Bodhi must have given something away because Caleb’s eyes darkened as he took three stalking steps closer.

"What do you want, Bodhi?"

Bodhi had seen his own sign name about a thousand times now, but it had never looked as good as it did on Caleb’s long, thin fingers. He didn’t know how to answer the question. The simple answer was that he wanted Caleb to touch his dick until he came.
