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Did that mean he’d closed the door on the idea of getting back together? Fear gnawed at Cass’ stomach. She could face down foes intent on killing her in the field, but the thought of having a heart-to-heart about her feelings was nauseating. She rubbed the building sweat of her palms onto her skirt, trying to pass it off as adjusting a wrinkle.

He continued to watch her movements as if they could help read her mind. He scratched at the stubble forming on his jaw. Silently assessing. Looking as though he were trying to figure her out.

Cass chose her next words closely. “I am so mad at myself for how I treated you.”


She winced at the honesty but held strong. Old Cass would have bit back, felt the need to defend herself, but now… Now she was the kind of person who could take accountability and apologize when she needed to. “Even after I said it. I knew it was wrong. But I did nothing to change it until after the crash.”

Grayson said nothing, taking it all in.

Cass continued. “I had never realized how ugly I was on the inside—before the crash I mean— until my mom screamed like that. You’d think she’d be relieved I was alive; instead, she only cared for my looks.” She swallowed. “It was looking into a mirror for the first time. Seeing her true self showed me how the outside world sawme. I saw how I was to others for the first time. And I didn’t like it.” It felt good getting it off her chest. A weight lifted.

After a moment of silence, he spoke. “I really hate knowing this happened to you and I wasn’t there for you. Despite what happened between us, despite the hurt, I still would have wanted to be there for you.” His face wrinkled in concern.

She sighed in relief. Those words told her everything she needed to know: Grayson didn’t hate her.

“After how I treated you, I didn’t deserve a friend like you.” Her voice grew thick in her throat as tears threatened to fall.

“You have to forgive yourself.” He spoke in a soft voice. A forgiving,caringvoice. “That was so long ago, and what really matters is who you are now. That you’ve managed to grow. You didn’t have to change, but you did.”

Cass collapsed into the chair across from Grayson’s desk. She crumpled like a wilting flower, falling apart at the seams. She never knew what was missing until now. She needed hispermissionto forgive herself. Tears rolled down her warm cheeks. Instead of etching sadness on her face, it was a display of relief.

Then he was there, by her side, handing her a tissue. Steady, reliable, loyal Grayson, taking care of her like he always had. She blew her nose before accepting the offer he gave her by way of his outstretched arms. She burrowed into the soft fabric of his flannel shirt, overcome with emotion as his muscular arms wrapped around her. His hand cupped the back of her head, stroking her curls.

Cass dabbed at her wet eyes with a new tissue. It would take far more than some hot tears to smudge her waterproof makeup, but she didn’t want to look a soggy mess.

“Thank you.”

“For what?” he asked, brushing coils of hair out of her face.

“For being you.” She smiled at him. Her fingers traced the line of his jaw. How did a man like Gray exist? Not only was he rugged and manly but he also was tender and thoughtful. He didn’t shy away from discussing his feelings. He was also the first to stand up for what was right. It’s what had drawn him to FUC. Protecting shifters. Catching bad people. And giving others hope.

After all of Cass’ fears and insecurities melted, she was left with the fact that she did want him. She loved Gray for being Gray. And for believing the best in her when she showed him the worst.

She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his cheek. His soothing scent greeted her, a comforting mix of musky aftershave and fresh woody air. Gray nuzzled her neck, his warmth caressing her. His soft lips followed the line of her neck to the curve of her jaw, leaving kisses in their wake. Heat flowed from them, tingling under her skin. Goosebumps erupted on her arms. Her body loved his touch. It responded to him in a way she never thought possible. She’d had casual sex before, but it was always different with Grayson. Her soul came alive around him.

When their lips met, Cass’ heart rejoiced. He parted his mouth, inviting her in. Her tongue wrapped around his, pulsing and stroking. He tasted of home. Not the one where she came from but the one she wished to cultivate. She craved that sense of belonging.

Gray’s large hands explored her body as she caressed his muscular back. His lips roamed back down her neck, licking and kissing. Her nipples tingled as he unbuttoned her blouse, his hands cupping her supple breasts. His mouth found one, twirling his tongue around her nipple before sucking it in. A pooling of moisture wet her panties. As if scenting it, Gray ran a warm hand up her thigh toward her waiting pussy. He kneeled before her, worshipping her with his mouth and hands.

He unzipped her skirt. She shimmied out of it, leaning back in the chair. The cooler air of the office kissed her skin. It tingled where more goosebumps formed.

Grayson slid down her lace panties, exposing her delicate skin. The hot kisses meandered down her abdomen, sending ripples of excitement through her body. He dipped his tongue inside her before sucking at her clitoris. Her muscles tensed with the building climax inside her. He slipped a finger inside while twirling his tongue around the tiny fold of flesh. Her vagina tensed around it, ready for his cock. She needed him inside her, yearned for his body pressed against hers. He fluttered his fingers inside her, her muscles squeezing as her climax mounted. Her breath quickened with her racing heart. Gray’s fingers and mouth worked in a steady rhythm. Cass’ orgasm flowed, releasing the tension from her body. Her legs shook until exhaustion set in.

She wanted more, but damn was she tired.

Grayson looked up at her with his soft brown eyes. “Why don’t I forget about this paperwork and we go back to my place?”

The offer enticed Cass. She pictured all the kinky things they could do in the privacy of his home. Hell, what did that matter? She was half-clothed, and his office door was open.

“I would like that,” she agreed, buttoning back up her shirt. She wondered how long their clothes would stay on once at Gray’s place.


Gray smiled at Cass as she opened her eyes in the light of the morning sun. The night before they’d had enough sex to make a rabbit shifter proud. And everywhere. They hardly made it in the door of his house before going at it again in the entry hallway. Then again on the kitchen table. And in the shower, before finally making it to bed. To have more sex. Gray never had so much sex in one night before, not even when he and Cass had been at their hot and heaviest years ago. Now, he’d figured he’d be too old for that sort of thing. They’d proved that wrong last night.

Cass’ eyes were nothing more than slits lined with smudges and flakes of black. Since she didn’t plan on spending the night, she only had what Gray could offer in his medicine cabinet to wash the makeup off her face. She looked like a transforming raccoon shifter. Grayson stifled a chuckle. “Do you want breakfast?” he asked. Cass looked like she wanted to roll over and go back to sleep. Her tired eyes barely opened. Instead, she nodded.
