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I wrote a Jasmine series with author John Henley that you can read before or after this story if you’d like. You don’t have to read that series in order to read this book. It’s a five-book series in which Jasmine goes to Florida, makes new friends, and works for the FBI solving crimes. It’s where she first meets Hunter, the hero in this book. They have a partnership, and a romance.

When I decided to bring Jasmine back home to her family, I wanted to write this book in a way that it could be a standalone, but I also couldn’t forget all about her adventures in Miami. I just wanted to put this note in here.

There are some spoilers in this book for the last book in that series,Five Goodbye’s. Book five in that series is the only one I’d recommend you readbeforethis book if you want the shocking ending that then leads into this book.

Again, you don’t have to read those books without being lost in this book. I made sure of that. But they do go hand in hand, and you’d want to read that book first before this one if you want to stay in order. The first four books in that series can be read after without spoilers. It’s a really fun series with a great cast of characters.

It’s not contemporary romance though. There’s sex and romance, but it’s more about friendships and solving crimes than leading to happily ever afters. I hope those who have read the books love them as much as I’ve enjoyed writing them with my co-writer. Now, on to Jasmine’s story. I promise to quit torturing the eldest granddaughter of Joseph now and give her a happily ever after . . . well, maybe a little torture first.



I wake to a beeping noise echoing in my head. I want to demand the sound be turned off, thinking it’s my alarm, but my limbs are weak. As I open my lips to groan, a sharp pain flares in my throat, letting me know something’s seriously wrong. Discomfort washes through me, making me panic where I lie. I start to move but realize that I hurt all over. An increase of the beeping makes me panic even more.

“It’s okay, Jasmine, you’re fine,” a deep familiar voice says, reaching through the fuzziness in my head. I turn as I open my eyes. Everything’s blurry for a minute. When the haziness focuses, I see my partner, Hunter, sitting at my side. Okay, I’m going to be okay. We’ll figure this out together.

The beeping lessens as a sense of relief washes over me. I’m still confused, but not panicked. “Thank goodness you’re awake,” he says. I try to smile, but I’m sure I’m failing. I try to assure myself he’ll fill me in on what’s happening. I’m sure I’ve simply hit my head. It will all be fine in just a few minutes.

“What’s happening?” I croak, not recognizing the sound of my voice. It’s as if I’m in a fog, and no matter how hard I try to climb out of it, I can’t escape. I force myself to calm as I focus on Hunter. It’s like trying to hold on to a dream as your body fully awakens. I’m struggling to put the puzzle pieces together but can’t find the right place to set it.

“Do you remember our accident?” Hunter asks.

I gaze at him in confusion. I don’t try to speak, just shake my head. I see him wince but don’t know what the expression means. He takes my hand and squeezes my fingers.

“What do you remember last?” he gently asks. Hunter and I have an incredible relationship, but he’s gazing at me so tenderly I’m confused. I look up at the ceiling as I try to calm myself and remember what happened last. It comes to me.

“Our case, the bar...” He looks horrified, confusing me more. I go on, telling him about the case we’ve been working on. Did I get injured? That has to be what happened. There’s no other explanation. I must’ve been bonked good on the head. I’m going to kick someone’s ass for this . . . that’s for dang sure.

Hunter’s eyes have a sheen in them I don’t understand. He shakes his head as I finish speaking, and my confusion grows worse.

“Jazz, do you want full truth, or do you need me to sugarcoat this?” he carefully asks.

I’m still confused, but the initial panic was wanned. “We also tell each other the truth,” I tell him. He knows better than to ask me something like this. He lets out a long sigh. As soon as he starts speaking, I wonder if I should’ve asked for some sugar.

“That was six months ago, Jasmine.” The words aren’t reassuring.

“What do you mean six months ago?” I gasp when I can catch my breath again.

“Don’t be upset. I’ll explain it all to you, but you said full truth so there’s the initial rip of the bandage,” he tells me.

I’m almost able to roll my eyes, but keep from doing just that. “I think you’d be awfully upset if you were the one in this bed and I was sitting there telling you that you’ve lost six months,” I say, more of my sass in my voice, making me feel better already.

He gives me his first real smile since I woke up. “No, I’d be a mess, and most likely pulling wires out and screaming at people,” he admits.

I nearly laugh.ThisHunter I know well. We have agreatpartnership. I realize his hand is still gripping mine. I’m not sure how I feel about this. I do know I’m not pulling away from him. I like the touch, like the comfort he’s offering.

My heart rate accelerates again, and the door opens, hurried footsteps approaching. Men and women in white coats enter the room wearing concerned expressions as they approach my bed.

One doctor steps forward, a middle-aged man with kind eyes. “Good to see you awake, Jasmine. I’m Dr. Michaels and have been overseeing your care.” I nod, well aware my heart’s beating too fast. I take some breaths as one of the women move to the monitor and turn the sound down. Not having to hear my own stats helps relax me.

“I bet you want some answers,” he says. I nod. It’s better I do this than start making rude noises at him. I don’t want jokes, I want answers.

“You’ve been in a coma for two weeks,” he begins, his voice calm and assuring. “During this time your brain has been through some pretty severe trauma, most likely leading to memory loss.”

Tears fill my eyes as I again nod. “Have we figured out what you remember last?” he asks. He looks from me to Hunter, then back to me. I again nod.
