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“Six months ago,” I say, my voice choked. I’m not a weak woman, but right now Ifeelfragile. I don’t like it. “Where’s my family?” There’s no way if I’ve been in this hospital for two weeks that my family isn’t here.

“They’re on their way back now. They’ve been here around the clock,” the doctor says, and I manage another smile. The haggard look on his face as he says this tells me that my grandfather’s been terrorizing this hospital.

“I bet they’ve been a handful,” I tell the people standing by my bed. One of the nurses chuckles.

“Your gramps doesn’t like being told no or that there isn’t a firm answer to any of his questions. We’ve all learned to figure out an answer to give him . . . any answer at all,” Hunter says.

I smile. “He loves me.” They’re simple words and very true.

“Yes, he does. All of your family does.” Hunter looks like he wants to say more, but he doesn’t. I turn back to the doctor.

“Will I get my memory back?” I ask.

Dr. Michaels expression softens as he nods. “Memory recovery is a very complex process. In some cases, memories gradually return. In others, they’re lost permanently. We’ll carefully monitor your progress and provide all of the support you need.”

Fear mixes with hope within me. Dwelling on the unknown won’t do me any good though. It could hinder any progress I make. I force myself to quell my racing heart, and calm the storm raging within me.

“Thank you,” I tell him. “I’ll do whatever it takes to get better.” I’ve never been a quitter and never will be.

Dr. Michaels nods, then moves forward and checks my vitals. I ask a few more questions, but it doesn’t help. I let out a relieved sigh when they exit the room. I turn back to Hunter.

“Tell me what happened,” I say.

He retakes my hand. “We were working, in pursuit of a suspect. There was a vehicle accident that landed us both in the hospital,” he says.

“Well,that’sa short explanation,” I say with a slight chuckle. The more I speak, the more my voice returns to normal. I press my memories to recall the accident... but it’s eluding me. A part of my life’s gone, and there’s nothing I can do about it right now.

I gaze at Hunter and something questionable flashes within me... like I havefeelingsfor him. What in the heck is this? Yes, I’ve had a crush on this man for a long time, but I thought I had a handle on my emotions. It has to be because I’m here and he’s here, and he’s being kind to me. In this moment my mind’s a blank canvas and it’s simply waiting for color to fill it.

I feel a mixture of emotions, gratitude to be alive, happiness Hunter’s with me, confusion over the time I’ve missed, and longing to understand it all. I’m alive, though, and that’s what matters. The rest will work itself out. This is one more life journey I’ll face like I’ve faced everything else.

“What are you thinking?” Hunter asks.

I smile, holding his gaze. “I don’t really know. I’m confused.”

His eyes soften with understanding. He leans in and kisses my forehead, sending a slew of emotions through me.

“I’ll be right here at your side, Jazz. I’ll help you find yourself again,” he tells me.

I’m not sure why, but I believe him. Something’s happening between us even if I don’t understand what it is. Exhaustion pulls me under, and I give in, falling asleep with Hunter at my side, his hand in mine.

Chapter One


Jasmine’s been in and out of consciousness for days. Her family has barely left the hospital, and though I’m still weak, I was cleared to leave a while ago... but it’s not going to happen. I can’t leave her side. This is the woman I love, the woman I still feel married to because of the damn dream I had when in my own coma! It was beautiful and wonderful, and it rips me in two that it was all in my head. It’s still not fully settling in my brain that everything I thought I was experiencing while lying in a hospital bed wasn’t real. I want that dream to come true, want it more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life.

I truly would be happy sitting right here with her for the rest of my life. I love her, and I’ll do everything I can to make her fall in love with me all over again if she never regains her memories.

I can’t stand seeing her in this hospital bed, her body less bruised, but circles too easily resting beneath her beautiful blue eyes. She’s pale, but she’ll soon be physically healthy again. Her mental health might take longer. It doesn’t matter. Love isn’t just for better, it’s for all times. I loved her before, but I love her even more now.

“She’s resting, Hunter,” Joseph Anderson, her grandfather, tells me.

“I know. She’s the strongest woman I’ve ever known, and it just kills me to see her lying here in bed like this,” I reply. She needs her rest, but I want her up and alive and throwing barbs my way.

“As soon as she’s healthy we need to take her home,” Joseph says. He’s being kind, quite something for this powerful man, but also firm. There’s no chance I can fight this family. If they want their daughter — granddaughter — home, then shewillgo home. I can either watch her leave, or I can go along with her. There’s only one option... I’m taking a leave of absence from work. I won’t leave her side unless she makes me go.

My heart breaks as I watch her sleep. We’ve been through a lot in the couple of years I’ve known her, but we finally made it through the muddy waters, and this is the best relationship I’ve ever had... and she doesn’t remember a moment of it. We’ve made so many memories together... and they’re all forgotten now. What can I do to help her remember?

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