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By the time we leave it’s only an hour until sunrise. The five of us head to the beach in front of the condo. We sit in the sand and watch the horizon light up, and I’ve never been happier to be right where I am with the people I love as much as my family.



I wake up to the sound of birds chirping outside on my balcony, their melodic sound filling the room with peace and tranquility. I stretch my limbs, the warmth of the morning sun cascading through the curtains. It’s a brand-new day full of untold adventures ahead.

Rising from bed, I walk into the bathroom and take an extra-long shower. When I come out in only a robe I take a moment to look around. My walls are adorned with photographs of my favorite people, capturing my favorite moments from childhood into adulthood. I’ve traveled the world and have had so many adventures; I’m an incredibly lucky woman. All of this reminds me of who I am.

As I move to the kitchen and prepare a cup of coffee, the fragrant aroma envelopes the room. I sit in my favorite chair and curl up, sipping on my drink, taking a few minutes to reflect on what I need to do next.

I’m changing, about to enter a new chapter in my life. Where will this lead me? I haven’t decided yet. I have a burning desire to make a difference. I thought I would, being in the FBI, but I don’t know if this is the road I’m supposed to be on. I love my team, and really love working alongside Hunter, but I think I want more than this now. So many people leave a legacy behind... I want to make my own mark.

I finish my coffee, make a second cup, then grab my notebook and a pen. So many people use electronics for everything now, but I still like a good old-fashioned notebook and pen. There’s something soothing about putting pen to paper. I don’t mind using a pencil. I’m an equal opportunity girl.

Writing has always been a sanctuary for me, allowing me to pour my thoughts out, sketch out my dreams, and list every idea I have. This is where I find the most solace in life.

After I’m done writing, I need to get out of my condo for a while. I’m getting a little homesick to see family again, but I love Miami with a symphony of sights, sounds, and aromas. People from all walks of life pass by, and I want to stop them all and ask their story. Life would be much less stressful if people took more time to listen than to speak. I’m much happier when I listen to others. There are so many stories needing to be told.

I make my way to my favorite local park, a hidden oasis in a city full of life. The lush greenery and serene atmosphere instantly put my mind at ease. I find a quiet bench and sit down, taking in all of the raw beauty and connecting with the world around me. Life’s so fragile. Every single second a life is ending and a new one is beginning.

Sometimes I wonder why we fall in love, why we love family when we’re bound to lose them. But it’s the circle of life. There’s no purpose in living if we’re dead inside, missing the beauty as we walk past without noticing. Yes, death hurts, but love overcomes it all.

I sit for nearly an hour before someone joins me: an elderly woman who gives me a smile.

“My feet are killing me,” she says with a chuckle. “I miss the days I was as young as you.”

“Oh, my time will come,” I assure her.

“I love my many years. My Ralph and I moved to Miami twenty years ago. I lost him three months ago. It was his time to go home. I miss him every day. It’s why I still walk in this park daily, even with my swollen ankles. We told each other we’d keep walking until the end because we weren’t going to give up on life,” the woman says.

“I’m sorry for your loss,” I say, my heart breaking for her.

She shakes her head. “Don’t you be sorry. We had sixty years together, so much more than many people get, especially these days. My time will come and he’ll be waiting for me. Until then we made a promise to one another that if one died the other had to keep having adventures until it was time to go home. I’m keeping my promise to the man who made my life worth living.”

“That’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard,” I tell her.

“Thank you, darling. I’d better get home now.” She rises and walks away, leaving me to think about where I want to be at her age. Do I want an epic love with Hunter? I can have it. It’s waiting for me. All I have to do is accept what he’s offering.

The day continues to unfold and I have a few more conversations with strangers, exchanging stories. Their life journeys inspire me, but also leaves me wondering how so many people know exactly who they are and where they’re going while I’m so unsure.

It doesn’t matter whether I speak to a street artist sharing their beauty with the world, or an elderly woman still living to keep a promise to her husband, the people around me have found peace in life. Of course, there are some feeling as lost as I am, but so many know who they are and where they’re going. I’m slightly jealous.

I leave the park and go to my favorite café for lunch by myself. I’m not used to being alone, but it’s good for me. Everyone needs to be comfortable with nothing but their own thoughts before they can be a good partner and lover. I’m learning how to be alone again. It’s been a very long time since I needed to be.

The day continues on, the sun starts to set, painting the sky in a vivid array of colors. I arrive at the beach. The waves are rarely big here, and I love the calming of them gently lapping on the sand, the salty breeze that creates a soothing symphony, grounding me in the here and now.

Walking along the shoreline, the sand beneath my toes, I contemplate the vastness of life. Maybe I should get a sailboat and sail the sea. Maybe without the noise I’d be able to find myself easier.

I finally make my way home and light a candle while I fill the tub. I grab a favorite book, then sink deep into the water and read for a while, losing myself in the pages of a Pippa Grant book that has me sighing... and missing Hunter. I read all sorts of books from romance to thrillers and all of them make me think about life. They also allow me to leave reality for a while and embrace whole new universes.

When the water cools off for the third time I climb from the tub, wrap up in a robe, then move into my large walk-in closet. Hunter’s with his buddies for the first time in months, and I miss him more than I want to admit, so I open his drawer, wanting to wear one of his worn shirts. I reach in and grab it and my fingers hit something hard.

I hesitate, not wanting to snoop around in his things. Still, curiosity is killing me. My finger clasps the item... and I pull out a small black box. My heart starts pounding uncontrollably. I shouldn’t open this box. I shouldn’t open this box. It doesn’t matter how many times I chant this in my own head, my shaking fingers lift the lid anyway.

I gasp as I take in the breathtaking engagement ring resting on black velvet. Oh, Hunter has very, very,verygood taste. My heart thunders as conflicting emotions wash through me. How long has he had this? Did he buy it before or after the accident? Why hasn’t he asked me to be his wife? Was he planning on it before I lost my memory?

I should call him, should tell him I’ve found this. But the thought sends fear ripping through me. Why? I have many thoughts racing through my mind. If he asks, am I prepared to answer? What if I never get those six months back? What if I do and realize I wasn’t really that in love? What if... Ugh. I don’t know. Doubt and insecurity threaten to drown me.

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