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“I brought cupcakes.” Thinking of the devil. That’s Gramps’s voice booming out in the hallway. The laughter that flows after his grand announcement makes me smile.

“There’s my beautiful girl,” he says as he fills my hospital room doorway, which is saying something since they are extra-large to accommodate the beds that need to be wheeled in and out of the room. Gramps stands about six-foot-five, and he’s large in stature and presence. He’s also the best man I know. My dad’s right there with him.

“Gramps, I thought you were playing golf today,” I say.

“I couldn’t concentrate, not with you in here,” he tells me as he moves forward.

He leans down and kisses my forehead and I glow from the inside out. I love having Gramps here. I might complain at times, but I love him more than life itself. He’s my favorite just as I know I’m his... even if he doesn’t admit it out loud. All of the family knows. Gramps and I have a bond that can never be broken.

I sit up a bit straighter, grateful for the company when I know so many people in hospitals get no visitors at all. With my larger-than-life family around me the atmosphere is lighter, and laughter bounces off the walls. Their very presence chases away the shadows of uncertainty that have been filling me since waking to find I’ve lost a chunk of time.

“Okay, Jazzy, we’re going to play a memory game today,” Gramps says with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Gramps isn’t normally a games type of man, unless it’s the game of matchmaking. He’s got my interest.

“What do you have, Gramps?” I say. Hunter loves playing games with me. It really does help the time pass when I’m stuck in this bed far more than I like. I’ve never been the type to sleep the day away. I can’t do this much longer.

My dad steps forward, holding up his phone. “These phones are a blessing and a curse,” he says with a chuckle. “This is a word-guessing game. We will all take turns describing a word without saying it, then you’ll have to guess what it is. Think you can do it with your broken brain?”

“Dad! That’s just mean,” I say with a laugh.

“You’ve always been smart, Jazz. I like this humble girl before me,” Dad says before he leans down and gives me a kiss on the forehead.

“I love you too, Dad,” I say. This goes without saying. Our family might have squabbles every once in a while, but it’s never anything big. “Now, bring the game on. I’m going to destroy all of you.”

My mother, Amy steps forward, excitement in her voice. I’m glad to see her this way. When I first woke up, it looked like she’d aged twenty years. She’s much more back to herself now that I’m doing well.

“Okay, Jazz, I’ll start. Imagine you’re in the kitchen, and making something sweet. It’s a fluffy dessert, usually topped with frosting. What is it?”

“Really, Mom?” I say with a raise of my brows.

“Just play along,” she says with a chuckle. “I don’t pick the words, the phone does.”

“Hmm, ice-cream,” I sarcastically say, and Hunter chuckles.

“Minus one point,” Gramps calls out.

“You know I was joking,” I tell him as I sit a bit higher.

“It counts,” he smugly says.

“Cake!” I say. No more joking for me. I play to win.

“Only two tries. Very good,” my mother says as if I really did get the first answer wrong. Grr.

“Bring on the next,” I demand. Everyone laughs. I might just be the most competitive member of our family, and that’s saying a lot in the Anderson clan.

Hunter leans down and squeezes my hand. “Kick their asses,” he whispers, making me smile.

“You know I will,” I assure him.

The game continues with each of my family members taking turns. The words get harder, and not a single one stumps me. We all laugh as the clues grow more creative, and some of the words are a bit dirty . . . dirty enough that a few go over my gramps’s head, and make me slightly blush.

As the game continues, I feel even more grateful for this big family who loves me so much. Being with them assures me I’m going to be okay, that no matter what I’ll heal. I’ll get to go home. I love this crazy family of mine.

Through our game, our laughter, and the playful banter, my family and my partner remind me that I’m not ever alone. They will be with me each step of the way to guide me, hold my hand, and help me to fill in the gaps in the missing pieces of my life. If my memories are gone forever, then we’ll make new ones together.

Chaos reigns supreme for a while longer before my family departs. And as much as I love them, I let out a sigh of relief. Seeing them is wonderful and overwhelming at the same time. I sit back and gaze at Hunter... glad he’s still here. What does this tell me about him and me?

Apparently, the staff has figured out he’s not leaving. I think they like having him around. Not only is he more than easy on the eyes, but he’s a solid man with a heart of gold. I can see why I fell in love with him. Will I do it a second time? If I do, what does that mean? I’m too young to think of forever, aren’t I?
