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My entire body feels like butter. I’ve been pampered for eight hours straight, and every woman should have a day like this at least once a year if not more often. The more I do things like this, the better I treat my body overall. If I let one thing go in self-care, it’s easier to let it all go.

I practically float into my condo, immediately noticing the muted light and soft music. I smile as I make my way toward the bedroom. I won’t at all be surprised if a very naked Hunter is lying on the bed, waiting to pounce. He was quite hard this morning, and as much as I enjoy teasing the man, I want him just as much as he wants me.

I step into the room and stop in awe at the flowers, candles, and petals on the bed. A beautifully wrapped box is on the bed with a note.Nothing is as beautiful as you, but I tried to find something to make you feel like a queen.

I laugh, joy rushing through me as I move to the box and open the lid, finding a stunning red dress inside made of soft flowing fabric that will hug my body in all of the right places.

I put on the dress then go to the bathroom to check my face and hair. A heart-shaped note is on the mirror.Follow the hearts to find me.

I walk from the bathroom, noticing the heart-shaped notes on the wall. I can’t help but giggle at this romantic game. I grab the notes, each with a short sweet message telling me how much he loves me and to keep following the red heart road, his cute humor referencingThe Wizard of Oz. Dang, I love this man. My anticipation grows with each step I take, leading me straight to him. This condo is too big.

The hearts lead me to the patio where Hunter stands in a suit, a stem of jasmine in his hand and a look of awe in his eyes. He’s transformed the area into a romantic oasis, adorned with twinkling fairy lights, soft cushions, and a small table set for two. A gentle breeze carries the scent of jasmine and salt, adding to the enchanted atmosphere.

“Welcome home, darling,” he says. “I love you.”

My heart beats a little faster as I step up to him, so in awe of the man who can fight crime and take down bad guys, yet caress me with the gentlest touch with the same hands. “How did I get so lucky as to have found you?”

He chuckles. “I was thinking the exact same thing about you.”

I’m overwhelmed at how thoughtful and loving he is. Hunter took time to make sure every single detail of this day was absolutely perfect. It’s not my birthday, or any other special day. He’s showing me that every day we’re together is special, and that’s the greatest gift he can give me.

Hunter kisses me, leads me to the table, and holds out the chair. I sit, feeling like I’m floating as he serves me dinner. We have an enchanted meal on the patio, immersed in an incredible atmosphere filled with love as our connection to each other grows. We dine on amazing food as we chat about my spa day and all he did to prepare this date for us. We talk about the adventures we’ve had, and the ones we’ll share in the future.

It doesn’t matter how much time we spend together, we’ll never run out of things to talk about. But even if we go quiet, it’s never awkward. We’re soul mates, and when words aren’t coming from our lips, they’re being expressed through our hearts.

We even talk about the accident. It could’ve torn us apart, but instead it brought us closer, helping us recognize how valuable life is, and how every single second counts. I believe in an afterlife, and believe I’ll get to love him so much longer than the miniscule years on this planet. I don’t want a lifetime with this man — I want eternity.

“I want to grow big and fat while carrying your babies, Hunter. I want a dream wedding with all of the people I love surrounding me, and I don’t want to wait to carry your child. I want at least two, maybe more. I grew up in a big, loving family, and I want to continue this. We can’t tell Gramps this, though, because as much as I love him, I do like teasing the old man,” I say with a laugh.

“That’s all on you. There’s no way I’m getting on your gramps’s bad side,” Hunter says as he holds his hands in the air in surrender.

I laugh. So many people fear Gramps, which I find funny because I’m well aware he’s nothing but a big old teddy bear.

“We have much more life to live, and I want every single second to count. Thank you so much for this beautiful date and for all of the thought and effort you put into it,” I tell him as we finish our meal.

“It’s not over yet,” he assures me. He takes my hand and leads me to the cushions. He brings over the wine and our glasses and we nestle into the softness and look at the night sky, pointing out our favorite stars.

We stop talking when he kisses me. Setting our glasses aside, we make love on the patio, his hands caressing me, my mouth doing wicked things to his very attentive arousal. Sometimes we have sex, down and dirty and rough. Then on nights like tonight, we make love, sweet and slow and romantic.

I like both ways, ravaging me, or loving me. I don’t just love this man, I like him too. After we’re both satisfied, he pulls me naked into his arms and carries me to our bedroom, and we start all over again.

Every time we come together, we grow that much closer. I snuggle against him when our bodies are spent. I love sex, and love all of the orgasms, but I think this moment right after is my favorite, this moment when he holds me and I feel cherished.

“Promise me you’ll still want me and hold me when I’m old and wrinkly,” I say.

“Oh Jasmine, that’s a promise I can guarantee,” he tells me, conviction ringing in the words. I fall asleep against him, secure in who I am and secure in the love we share.



I’m excited as we once again board the family jet, ready to head back to Seattle. We haven’t told the family we’re engaged. I want to see their faces when they see the beautiful ring resting on my finger, right where it’s stayed since Hunter placed it there. Well, I had to take it off at the spa so I had him put it back on the next morning when we woke up from our very romantic night together. I don’t like taking it off, not even to sleep. It’s a reminder that he’s mine forever, and I’m his.

“Are you ready for this?” I ask.

He laughs. “I don’t think anyone’s ever ready to face the Andersons and tell them you’re sweeping one of their precious women away.”

We laugh together, but it’s somewhat true. Sure, Gramps loves matchmaking, but my family is quite protective of the female members. I don’t mind it at all. Some might think that’s antiquated, but I like knowing I’m protected, cherished, and loved. Why would I want to give that up?
