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“Okay, now that the chaos of your family is over, it’s time for a calmer game of One Sentence Stories,” Hunter says.

I raise my brows. “What in the world is that?”

“It’s where I start with a sentence and you make the next one until we have a full story,” he tells me. I smile.

“Why don’t I get to start?” I ask. My competitive streak still hasn’t ended.

“Okay, you start then,” he says, leaning back in his chair as he munches on a slice of pizza. This man can eat pizza and tacos on rotating nights every day for the rest of his life. I like it.

“There was a girl in a coma,” I begin, making him chuckle.

“Every night at exactly three in the morning, she’d let out a loud moan, making the hospital staff come running,” he quickly puts in, making me giggle.

“They couldn’t figure out if she was in pain... or ecstasy,” I say, waggling my brows. This time he choke-coughs. Oh, I do like playing with this man.

He doesn’t miss a beat. “But then, on the fourteenth night this happened, she sat up straight in bed at exactly three, and her eyes popped open.” He widens his own eyes as he looks around my dim room.

“She starts chanting, I need a DQ Oreo Blizzard,” I say, keeping my smile at bay.

“And the nurse rushed into the room with not only a blizzard, but also a large order of onion rings,” Hunter says.

We continue with our story for another hour, and eventually end up with coma girl bathing in Jell-O and squawking like a bird. I might not remember my romance with Hunter, but if this is the way it’s been between us for the past six months, I’m more than willing to jump in and sign up for at least another six months.

Chapter Three


I’ve been lying alone in my room for about thirty minutes gazing at the sterile white walls, smelling the strong disinfectant, and I’m bummed. Hunter rarely leaves my side, but he had to take a phone call that will take a while. I guess he’s taking a leave of absence from work. I want him to come back and entertain me. This is confusing. I don’tneedentertained.

I’m Jasmine freaking Anderson, and I have mad skills in everything I do.

They’re finally letting me get up and walk around, but I had a strenuous physical therapy session earlier, and I’m exhausted. Well, mybody’sexhausted, but my brain’s running at its normal, Mach one-thousand pace.

The beeping of the monitors behind me, and the hushed whispers of the nurses in the hallway are the only sounds currently filling the air. I’m close to calling Gramps just so I don’t have to be lost in my own brain. I needanythingto break up my thoughts. They’re a little out of hand right now with me being so sedentary.

Before I go too stir crazy, I hear familiar voices coming to me from the heavens, or like the sunshine breaking through the clouds after a storm. My door’s thrust all of the way open and I grin as Ember and Mora burst into the room, smiles making their already radiant faces glow.

“I’ve missed you guys,” I practically shout as they move over to my bed and take turns strangling me with their hugs. My monitor beeps as my heart thunders. This time it’s out of sheer happiness though. I love these two women and I’m so dang pleased they’re here.

Ember’s been my best friend since we were too tiny to remember, and I met Mora a couple of years ago, and she instantly became a soul sister. I love these women, and I’m beyond thrilled to have them with me.

“Jazzy,” Mora exclaims, her face aglow with a mix of excitement and exhaustion. “You have to hear about my adventures!”

“But not before you hear about the story I’m currently working on. It’s a nail-biter,” Ember says, a mischievous glint in her beautiful eyes. My smile grows as they take seats, one on either side of my bed. These girls are my heart and soul. I can face just about anything as long as I have them with me.

“I love you guys. I want to hear everything from both of you,” I insist.

Mora starts absentmindedly shuffling a deck of cards as she gazes at me. “Because you’ve lost six months, you won’t remember that I joined Doctors Without Borders,” she begins. “I flew in all of the way from Africa to see you. Don’t ever scare me like this again.”

I look at her in awe. “Oh my gosh, Mora, that’s great!” I tell her. “I want to know all about it.”

She leans forward, exhilaration in her expression. “It’s challenging and rewarding. I love every minute of it. The conditions are tough, and there are a thousand stories I can tell you . . . but the most important part of all of it is that I’m helping people who truly need it, Jazz. I’m making a difference and I’ve never been so happy to be a doctor.”

“I want to hear about every single patient,” I tell her, and both of them laugh.

“That would take years, but I’ll certainly share my favorites,” she says.

“But not yet,” Ember chimes in, her eyes shining. “While Mora’s saving lives, I’ve been working on groundbreaking stories. The one I’m currently doing is about a crooked politician in Washington State. I’ve uncovered evidence of corruption and deceit that goes all of the way to the top. This story will certainly shake things up for our home state.”
