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Taryn swallowed the groan that would have escaped had she had less control. Right there in front of the maid. Declan scootched over until he pressed against her. She could feel those tight, muscled abs pushing into her arms. His skin was warm and comforting, like sitting in front of a cozy fire.

And all Taryn wanted to do to Declan right then was bite him. Her cheeks grew warm at the thought, and she knew she was blushing.

The big surprise was when he kissed her. Right there and still in front of the maid. Okay. Maybe he really wasn’t lying about being mates.

The maid left, and they ate. Then she washed up, dressed, and smiled at Declan while he watched her get ready for her day.

“I am headed out to the conservatory,” she told Declan.

“Really?” he said. “Just like that? You got your day all planned just like that?”

“I am a girl who has her plans together,” she answered. “Try not to be jealous.”

“I think you are a dream,” he said back.

“Look, babe,” she told Declan. “Phillip can come by today and talk with me about the party. I’ll help him as best as I can. I respect how he wants to show love to his parents and an appreciation for their anniversary.”

“I get it,” he told her. “You are very patient and generous. I’ll let him know you said that, and I bet he will stop by.”

The conservatory was quiet as a tomb when she got there, but the smell was nothing close to the mustiness of an actual tomb. The conservatory smelled like life. Flowers of every color bloomed. She loved the conservatory most during those morning hours. There was a certain hush. Not the hush of a late night when everything was winding down for a nocturnal repose. This was a hush that was like the pause between an inhale and an exhale, like the universe was giving her an opportunity to concentrate and really set up a great day.

Taryn’s great day was simple … not easy, but simple. Get some progress going on the potion that would help her and the twins shift. She was ready to shift and didn’t want Lexi to get into a fight just to transform.

Thirty minutes into some serious, progressive potion creation, Hanna showed up.

“What’s going on, honeybee?” Hanna asked. “You look gorgeous today, by the way.”

“You are the one who looks gorgeous,” Taryn told Hanna. Taryn liked Hanna and wanted to love her even more, but Taryn was sometimes annoyed with how Declan’s sister had the attitude of someone who thought that anything they said or did was the most important thing in the world.

“What’re you working on?” Hanna asked. Then before Taryn could answer, Hanna spoke again. “I think I know. We have never had a queen who doesn’t shift.”

“I am happy to see you today, Hanna,” Taryn answered. She wasn’t going to defend herself or address what Hanna was clearly insinuating. “It feels really good having you here right now.”

“I love you, too, sweetness,” Hanna answered. “Wish I could say it was all me that got me here this morning. Declan asked me to be here when Phillip arrives.” Hanna paused her speech to hop onto one of the stools at the large table in the center of the room. “Right here is probably where Declan would want me stationed when Phillip rolls through.”

“You’re funny,” she answered. “I never sensed that Declan and Phillip have difficulty trusting each other. Does Declan not trust Phillip?”

“Oh, sweetness. Trust has nothing or very little to do with why I am here. I am sure those two gentlemen trust each other as well as can be expected.”

“Then what is it?” Taryn asked. She wondered if this last question would give Hanna another opening for a dig or two about Taryn’s inability to shift.

“It’s about the wolf, babe,” Hanna answered. “Declan’s wolf cannot stand the thought of another male alone with you. You know how it is. You get two beautiful women in the same room, and they are secretly at war with each other. The same can be said about alpha males, except in this case, Declan’s wolf does not want another alpha male alone in the room with his number one prize, and that is you.”

“I kind of thought that, but I wasn’t sure,” Taryn answered. “I like the way you explain things.”

“Thank you. There are lots of things I like about you, sister. There’s one other small reason I am here and need to be here when Phillip rolls through,” Hanna added.

“And what might that be?” Taryn asked, secretly bracing herself for another subtle insult aimed at her current inability to shift. She wanted to love Hanna like a sister, absolutely, but Hanna kept doing and saying things that made Taryn feel like her betrothed’s sister wasn’t always on her side.

“I will be helping with the party preparations,” Hanna answered. “I’m sure my role will start small, but I know it will get bigger and bigger. Declan told Phillip to have the party at the palace and use what servants are needed. And with Phillip, a man, trying to delegate, I know that I’ll be needed eventually. Yikes, I don’t even want to think about the disaster that could happen with Phillip in charge. Yes, a strong woman who knows the palace is needed.”

Sheesh. Was Hanna helping her, protecting her, or stealing her thunder?



A loud knock sounded on the conservatory door. The knock was confident and strong, and the conservatory door rattled underneath the pressure.
