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Declan was probably behind Hanna’s presence at the apothecary. For once, Taryn was grateful for how protective Declan was about the ones he loved.

The news of the fire at the vineyard had really shaken her, and even though things with Hanna were shaky, she appreciated that her future sister-in-law was there.

“I have updates,” Hanna told Taryn as soon as Taryn entered the apothecary. “You look beautiful, by the way.”

“Thank you. I am glad you are here,” Taryn answered. “I like your jacket and the way that color looks on you.” Taryn tried hard to smile sincerely to mask the burning anxiety she was feeling. She swallowed convulsively as Hanna spoke.

“Your handsome wolf king sent me here,” Hanna told Taryn. Taryn wasn’t sure if the admission was another dig at her current inability to shift or simply an innocent statement of fact. “Why don’t you put your things down, grab some coffee, and I’ll tell you everything that I know about the fire,” Hanna added.

Taryn put her things away, grabbed a cup of tea, and sat next to Hanna. Taryn was not a tea person by nature. She liked coffee … java strong enough to wake the dead … but right then, with her mind spinning with worry, coffee was probably not the best option.

“The fire is out,” Hanna told Taryn. “Declan has enforcers with him, and he has his beta with him. Declan is safe. You and I are safe.”

“How big was the fire?” Taryn asked.

“Not the whole vineyard, but enough to char the entire section that was due for harvest in a couple weeks. It’ll dent production and profits.”

“Declan has been very calm about the whole thing,” Taryn added.

“Absolutely,” said Hanna. “That’s his style, but make no mistake, the wolf inside is pissed and will get its pound of flesh. Someone will pay for this.”

“I appreciate you telling me all this,” Taryn answered.

“You’re welcome,” said Hanna. “There’s one other thing I need to add.”

“What’s that?” Taryn asked.

“There’s an enforcer in the back office watching the cameras throughout the store. If at any time you decide to run around naked, keep in mind you have eyes on your cameras right now and until this fire incident calms down.”

Taryn tried to smile and laugh, but her response to the humor felt weak.

A couple hours and a dozen customers came and went. Hanna told Taryn she would run errands and pick up sandwiches for lunch. Taryn agreed it was a good idea and gave Hanna her lunch order.

She’s really trying to prove that she is my ally,Taryn thought to herself as Hanna left.

Not long after, Taryn watched Phillip pass right by the store windows. To her surprise, he turned around and passed by again.

What the hell is he doing?

Then he entered the store. He hadn’t seen her where she stood behind the counter. Any view of her was obscured by a large bookshelf. She watched as Phillip walked down each aisle and examined every product like he was looking for something specific. To her surprise, he spent several minutes in the store but didn’t pick up anything.

Taryn finally walked over and approached Phillip. “Thank you for coming in today,” she told him. “It’s good to see you. Is there anything I can help you find?”

“Not yet,” he answered. “I am okay for now. I am glad to see you too.”

“I don’t mean to be nosy,” Taryn told him. “I would feel a whole lot better if I knew what you were looking for and had a chance to help you.”

“Something for my parents’ anniversary,” Phillip told her.

Taryn mostly had lotions, shampoos, potions, prayer candles, and botanicals. She also had a section of the store where the shelves were rented out to local artists and vendors. There she had art, crystals, mugs, knickknacks, handmade trinkets, and a variety of gifts. She guided Phillip through that section, where he actually started to make some progress on finding things for his parents.

“I appreciate you helping me pick some things out,” he told Taryn.

“Absolutely,” she answered. “My privilege.”

“So, you are betrothed to Declan?” he asked. “I mean, that’s where it stands right now, correct?”

“We haven’t officially announced it yet,” she told him. “Declan can explain our status better than I. There is an announcement coming.”
