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“I see,” said Phillip. “I always kind of thought the ‘arranged’ marriages were a little less vibrant than marriages where people find each other through natural attraction and chemistry. I am not saying you and Declan are like that. You two glow when you are together. I am just mentioning an observation of mine.”

“I see,” she answered. “That’s also another question I bet Declan would be better at answering than myself,” she told Phillip.

Phillip walked to the front counter and paid for the items. Taryn wrapped the purchases in decorative paper and placed them into a handled bag. Phillip grabbed his bag, started to leave, and then turned back to face Taryn directly.

“I would like to take you somewhere for coffee. Sit with you and drink the best coffee we can find. I want to hear everything you have to share.”

This was a surprise.

Taryn knew not to pause long before answering. A long pause would either encourage him or insult him.

Why is he asking me for coffee? Does he want to get to know me as his best friend’s betrothed or something more?

Phillip looked at her expectantly, and his eyes shone as he waited for her to reply.

“Maybe some other time,” she told him. “I thank you for asking. That is the kindest offer I have had in a while, but I will have to decline. I will let Declan know that you are interested in coffee tasting. I am sure he would like that.”

“You are so correct,” he told her. He stammered slightly and angled himself away from her.

Taryn didn’t miss the way his hands were balled into tight fists.

“You are clearly a wordsmith. You phrased the coffee outing offer better than I did. You, Declan, and me doing a local coffee roaster tour is something I have been interested in for a while. I appreciate your offering, and I would like that a lot.”

“You are very flattering,” Taryn answered back. “But the coffee idea was one of your creation, Phillip. Not mine.”

Phillip nodded, looked down at his handled bag containing gifts for his parents, and then left.

Taryn watched Phillip walk out and pass Hanna with barely a nod. Hanna had bags of sandwiches and other food. Seeing Phillip make no effort to hold the door for Hanna because he was so invested in leaving and focused on his own exit was also a bit odd to watch.

“That was Phillip,” Hanna said. Hanna stacked the two bags she had been carrying onto the counter in front of Taryn. The food smelled glorious. Taryn was ready to tear into the bags and demolish something.

“Yes, that was Phillip,” Taryn confirmed. “He came right after you left and purchased some things for his parents.”

“That’s interesting,” Hanna answered. “He must’ve been here for quite some time then,” Hanna added, giving Taryn a somewhat long and exploratory look.

“I helped him as best I could,” Taryn said. “He found some things that might work for his parents.” Taryn tried to speak as matter of factly as possible, but she could hear an edge in her own voice.

“Is anything wrong?” Hanna finally asked while unpacking the sandwiches. Hanna’s voice was light, but there was clear concern beneath it.

What is going on? With Hanna? With Phillip? With the vineyard? What is happening?

“No,” Taryn replied, “just a weird day.”



Declan arrived early at the palace, a little amped up because he was going to cook for Taryn. Food was healing and seductive when done right, and Declan could not wait to wield his prowess with this tactic.

Declan gathered the head chef, the sous chef, and other kitchen staff in the breakroom. “You folks are the best of the best. Absolutely. I know we’ve been doing a lot lately, and we have a lot of events coming up. I want you to have a break. Take tonight off,” Declan told them.

No one said a word. The room was dead quiet. The lead chef crossed his arms over his chest, smirked, and stared at Declan for what seemed to be the longest time.

“You have something to say?” Declan asked the chef after a pause. “You look like the proverbial cat who swallowed a canary.”

“What will you and the lady eat, My King?” the lead chef asked. His tone was very serious, but the corners of his mouth gave away a man requiring Herculean strength to hold back a smile.

“I get it,” Declan said. “If you need to laugh, go ahead. I will be cooking tonight for the lady and myself.”

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