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“You are too sweet,” she told him.

“I want all the women in my small world to feel like the mother of heaven.”

There were no more stops. No more vendor visits. Declan and Taryn made a clean beeline for the group they had come there with.

The giant expanse of the grass field was covered with dancers and revelers wearing a plethora of costumes in every color. The air was filled with the sound of laughter. Kids zoomed in and out of groups. They found their small party and settled in to enjoy the music. The music boomed so loudly that Declan’s ears rang.

And he wouldn’t change any of it for the world.

As soon as they sat with their friends and settled, Declan leaned over and kissed Taryn on the cheek. Then right as he was pulling away, he whispered into her ear. “I am lucky I didn’t have to search for my true love,” he told her. “You, and only you, eroded all the resistance that was blocking me from seeing true love. I love you.”

“That’s very insightful, big boy,” she told him. “I love you right back. I can absolutely feel your sincerity too.”

He really did mean what he’d said with Taryn at his side and the rest of the family and friends and neighbors beside him, dancing and laughing. What he enjoyed most was the happy faces, the laughter, children running around, screaming and brimming with joy.

One of the children ran up to Taryn like it was something they did every day. This was not a child that Declan had ever seen before. The kid handed Taryn a note.

A damn note of all things!

The wolf howled and snarled.

Declan tried to move, but he couldn’t. He was too stunned from seeing what he saw, asurpriseright out of left field.

A horrible surprise.

The wolf inside was going crazy as he watched Taryn in slow motion take the note and open it. She opened the note and read it.

Declan didn't need to see the note, even though he lunged for it in agonizing, molasses-slow movements that were way too late. He didn't need to see the note because Taryn's face as she read it told him everything. The note was undoubtedly another threatening piece from Taryn's stalker.



What a glorious day. The most beautiful day. The concert, the band, the jewelry and the jeweler’s tent, fascinating music revelers, fair food, happy families, and friends.

Ruined! Not just ruined, but cut short and ruined. They had barely gotten to the good stuff, and then her stalker had ripped the ground from beneath her.

The perpetrator, the stalker filth, used a child to get to her. One of the best days of her life had been ruined, and the piece of trash that did it used a child.

Horrifiedwasn’t the right word to use. Taryn was so angry that she felt as though she was about to cry.

She wasn’t only angry, she was scared. Not just because of the note. But because the stalker had used an innocent to do their dirty work.

Declan insisted that their entire group leave the festival immediately, but Taryn had no memory of the ride home.

Instead, all she remembered was the child’s cherubic face.

What kind of sick fuck does this?

Her anger was blinding and part of the reason she hadn’t remembered much about getting home. As soon as they got back to the palace, Declan hurried off with his beta to investigate the note.

Hanna ushered Taryn and her sisters to the sunroom, where they would continue to work on wedding planning.

Taryn was glad for the distraction as her anger subsided. However, she still felt bursts of rage every few minutes and needed something to channel her emotions.

Through the windows at the palace, she could see the sun was setting. There had been no word from Declan since they returned home, so she pulled her phone out of her bag and called him.

He answered promptly.
