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“That sounds like fun,” Taryn whispered back, and her eyes sparkled as she nodded.

They had settled on a grassy area with two picnic tables and huge oak trees providing shade.

Their view of the main stage was more than adequate. The group unpacked, and they all became entranced by the shows on the stage, as well as the music.

Declan gave Taryn a knowing nod, and the two of them slipped out the back of the group and headed toward vendor row.

“So many things I want to show you,” he told her as soon as they had some distance from their group.

“I am just glad to be out with you in the sun,” she told him.

She was right about the sun part. When the sun hit her face, her freckles glittered across her nose, cheeks, and even her cheekbones.

Lexi had similar freckles, but where Lexi’s were darker, Taryn’s freckles only revealed themselves in the sun. The freckles warmed her already beautiful skin.

She is breathtaking.

His wolf begged for a taste.

Declan guided them both toward the entrance to the vendor area. The first booth they stopped at was a food stall. The menu was long and consisted of junk food and more junk food.

“I will make this really easy,” Declan told Taryn. “I am ordering funnel cake, deep-fried Oreos, and fried pickles. Then I am going to grab two glasses of pinot and sit over there on that,” he added, pointing to a nearby bench.

“I see,” Taryn answered. “And you are probably wanting me to help you eat some of that truckload of food you just ordered to assuage your guilt?”

“Babe, you’ll be doing me a big favor.”

“Hmm. Deep-fried pickles and Oreos, Pinot. That’ll be torture. I’ll help, but only because I love you.”

They ate slowly, savoring the flavors. When they had finished their meal … if it could be called that … and with the funnel cake, Declan led Taryn around to the rear stage area.

Performers and festival staff were the only people allowed back there. Declan, however, was king and easily got them through to a walled-off section with dressing rooms and a huge buffet. Plenty of beautifully costumed people gathered in groups, mostly performers and their guests.

“Hey, big boy,” Taryn laughed at Declan, “you know darn well the headlining band today is one of my all-time favorite groups. If you are about to do what I think you are, I am going to be one ecstatic girl. I might even let you steal a kiss later.”

Declan didn’t answer. He just smiled, gave her a side glance, and moved his shoulders in what looked like a guiltless shrug.

“You’re not innocent,” Taryn fired back. “You are the devil, and you’re trying to seduce me. My favorite wine, my favorite band, fried Oreos. Evil!”

He introduced Taryn to the band. He also bought her two shirts. One was oversized for sleeping in, and all the band members signed it and drew hearts on it. The second shirt hugged her gorgeous frame, and the band members signed the heck out of that shirt too.

After visiting the band, they headed back to the vendor row. Declan held Taryn’s hand. He kept looking at her and laughing. He couldn’t help it.

“Hey, why are you doing that?” she asked, laughing slightly at the expression on his face. He didn’t know how to tell her that her eyes were so dilated from being excited that her irises were completely black, all pupil. Her face was red and ruddy from the wind whistling through the fairgrounds.

The next stop was another big tent on vendor row. A jeweler’s tent with four jeweler benches and four artists hard at work. The spectators could watch all they wanted. Attendants were on hand should a purchase be desired. Declan and Taryn walked around each bench along with many other spectators and potential patrons, watching the mastery taking place.

“This is amazing,” Taryn told him in a hushed whisper. “So much talent. My head has finally stopped spinning from the wine, the band, and the wine with the band. All of it.”

“We’re not leaving this tent until you pick out at least one bracelet,” Declan told her firmly. “And it better be high-end. No false modesty. Don’t be shy.”

“Are you trying to ruin me? Is this how it’s going to be? We won’t ever be able to have children or pets because you will spoil them beyond help.”

Declan laughed and kissed her on the cheek. “Best part of my life is spoiling you,” he replied.

Taryn picked out a double-row, platinum gold chain with nine-carat weight, white gold borders. Then they left the jeweler’s tent and headed back to the area where they had left their group sitting.

Declan spotted a roving cart with garland crowns of every shape and size. Declan waved the owner over, grumbling all the way to them, and then Declan asked Taryn to pick out a crown for herself and the other ladies in their group.
