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But driving past the lush forestry and mansion estates of Noblegrace, Declan knew what Phillip was really hiding … the kind of madness that men bury underneath a veneer of masculinity.

His teeth clenched as he slammed on the gas. Smooth paved roads morphed into dirt roads, dense evergreens, and shrubbery that became a dead sea of foliage. Clearly, no one was out here taking care of this part of Noblegrace.

It was still there, and it disturbed the king to his very core.

He saw a familiar sight, stopped the car on the brown shriveled grass, and sprinted toward the building, the moon shining down like a spotlight.

When he heard a booming shriek, Declan stopped in his tracks just before reaching the door. The hairs on his arms stood up, and his eyes widened, sensing something wonderful, beautiful, and intrinsically cosmic.

Following the shriek was a majestic howl. Declan’s heart sang, and his eyes turned glassy.

“Taryn …”

Before he could reach the door, a feral wolf blasted through it, shattering the wood into splinters. He knew that second, it was his beloved. She had shifted in her desperation, in her courage, in her commitment and love for him. It made his stomach coil with admiration but also with a familiar terror.

Taryn had not seen him as she dashed across the field, her magnificent amber fur glistening under the moonlight. She was essentially a rabid dog, following the cues of her body, unsure how to calm or tame the thirst for violence that was as natural as breathing for the common shifter. Her mouth was stained with the blood of her captor, and although this made Declan proud, she would be horrified by her actions.

He quickly glanced inside, spotting the body of his former friend. His heart clenched, thinking him dead, the sight of his mangled limb bright with glossy blood and torn musculature. But then he saw Phillip breathing, and Declan wasn’t sure whether it was a blessing or a curse.

The king approached and placed two fingers on Phillip’s throat. There was a faint pulse. He texted his enforcers to retrieve the traitor, then gazed down at the pathetic sight of his friend.

“Don’t move if you know what’s good for you. Help is on the way.”

Declan didn’t wait for a response. He had lost his friend, and there was no going back.

Declan ripped off his clothing as he ran to trail behind his beloved. He smelled her fear. It was pungent and as obvious as if someone had sprayed perfume along the pathway. She was running without direction. He shifted mid-air and galloped through the forest, the moon the only spark illuminating his way.

The king’s heart slammed between his ribs. He had to get to her before she hurt herself.

I’m coming, Taryn. I’m coming my divine, sacred love.

His prayer was met instantaneously.

Taryn stopped running but paced about, grunting and growling, clearly distressed. Declan slowed, skidding slightly as he approached. He had to keep a fair and safe distance from her … for now.

Taryn,he said, speaking to her telepathically.All is well, my darling. I am here with you. Hold onto my voice. Let me help you.

She winced and whimpered, her emotions as tangible as the dirt below his feet. He wanted to remedy the panic and confusion coursing through her body. It was one thing to feel the sensations in puberty as a young pup. It was another to be an adult and throttled with them.

I can’t, I can’t. What’s going on? Declan, help me. I'm scared, I’m scared.

Declan’s heart ached with sadness and anger. He approached her slowly, then lay on his belly, placing his snout close to the ground. Even if she didn’t completely understand the use of submissive body language, her wolf would, and eventually, she could learn to tap into that.

But for the time being, he needed to guide her through the process of shifting back. It would come naturally to her later, but in that moment, it was like learning to walk after swimming your entire life.

Listen to my voice, darling.I know your mind is racing, and you’re scared. But try to focus on me. Follow it like a lantern. Your body will do the rest.

I don’t know. I don’t understand!

Taryn’s wolf broke into a wailing cry. Declan was out of his depth, but he had no other option. She was his beloved, and he wouldn’t ever allow anything bad to happen to her.

He rose in his wolf cautiously, then slowly let himself shift back into human form. He stood there naked, remaining the same distance, and watched as Taryn stopped moving.

He stared into those lovely ocean-blue eyes, bright as jewels in the black of the night. He placed two hands over his heart and breathed deeply, watching the wolf follow suit instinctively.

His voice was as soft as a whisper of wind.

“You are made for this, Taryn. You are a shifter whether you believe it or not. You aremadefor this. Follow my voice, my breath, my love.”
