Page 106 of Bragg's Love

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Riley nods. “Peace is right. No grand gestures.”

Brody raises his hand. “I vote grand gesture.”

There’s only one way to handle this. Delay. “Everyone come up with a grand gesture or not grand gesture as it were and we’ll reconvene tomorrow.”

At which point, I’ll already have figured out my own plan.

“Since we’ve got this shit sorted, let’s go sneak into Soleil’s house and steal her vibrator covers,” Brody slurs and I groan when I notice the empty bottle in his hand.

“Who let Brody drink the tequila?”

Chapter 32

What part of ‘leave me alone’ don’t you understand? ~ Text from Eden to her girl gang

Igroan when there’s a knock on my door. I knew I couldn’t escape my friends for long, but I still hoped. At least my face is no longer leaking tears. Small victories.

“Come in,” I shout since I have zero chance of keeping them away.

“We’ve come to cheer you up,” Ashlyn announces when she barges into my house with Moon, Soleil, and Harmony hot on her heels.

“Cheer me up? I don’t think you’re allowed to cheer me up when I’m the one who broke things off.” It’s as good excuse as any to try and get them to leave my house – and me – alone.

Ashlyn’s nose scrunches. “Why? Are there rules about this?”

“No rules,” Moon claims. “A broken heart is a broken heart.”

“I’m not brokenhearted.” I’m also not a big, fat liar.

Ashlyn guffaws. “And I don’t love red velvet pancakes.” I glare at her and she holds up her palms. “What? I’m merely pointing out the obvious.”

Soleil sits on the sofa next to me. “It is pretty obvious.”

Harmony sits on the other side of me. “It is.”

“I don’t want to discuss this.”

I’d literally rather discuss any other topic in the world – including how my business is failing and how I’m therefore disappointing the only parent I ever had – than this.

“We brought you next month’s book choice since you ran out of smutty book club faster than the time you ate too many spicy tacos and your butt was on fire.” Harmony hands the book to me.

I glance down at the title –Things We Never Got Over.I don’t think so.

“No!” I glare at her. “I see what you’re doing and I’m not playing the game. I fold. You can have all my chips.”

“What chips? We’re not playing poker.”

“Maybe she hit her head against the headboard too hard when Miller and her burned up the sheets on his birthday,” Soleil suggests and I turn my glare on her. She shrugs. “What? It happens.”

“I am not reading a book about a grumpy sexpot getting his woman so I’ll be reminded of what I’m missing with Miller. No way. Try again.”

“I think she already read the book,” Soleil whispers to Harmony.

“Can I borrow it?” Ashlyn snatches the book and I growl at her. “What? You’ve obviously already read it and I’m not wasting a paperback Lucy Score book because you’re having a hissy fit.”

I spring to my feet and hiss at her. “I am not having a hissy fit.” The hissing and the shouting might be proving me wrong.

Soleil claps her hand. “Enough. Everyone calm down. We’re here to cheer Eden up, not piss her off.”
