Page 34 of Bragg's Love

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She rolls her eyes. “You can deflect all you want, but we’re staying here until we figure things out.”

I glare at her despite her being right. I am deflecting. Deflect. Delay. Postpone. You name it. I’m doing it. Because I know exactly what Soleil tattled about and I am not discussing it with my friends. Mysuccessfulfriends.

Soleil grasps my hands. “If you think we’re going to let you struggle alone, think again.”

“Yeah.” Moon nods. “I thought we agreed no more being stubborn and doing things on your own.”

I snort. “Because you couldn’t wait to accept our help when you were having issues with the renovation of the diner?”

“Exactly. I was an idiot. You should learn from me. Oh, wow. I’m a guru. You should learn from me.” Moon pats herself on her shoulder.

Ashlyn bats Moon’s hand off of her shoulder. “I thought we all agreed I’m the guru in this group.”

“The troublemaker thinks she’s a guru,” Harmony mutters.

“I can be a troublemaker and a guru at the same time. I’m multi-talented at multi-tasking.”

Soleil claps her hands. “Calm down everyone. We’re doing exactly what Eden hoped we’d do. We’re getting off task.”

I widen my eyes in an attempt to appear innocent. “How can we get off task when we don’t know what the task is?”

Moon taps her chin as she studies me. “Do you think the whole innocent thing works on Miller?”

Ashlyn scrunches her nose. “I don’t know. Miller does appear to be the kind of man to get off on innocent. I know my big guy does.”

Moon snorts. “Rowan knows you’re the furthest thing from innocent.”

Ashlyn waggles her eyebrows. “He loves it when I’m dirty.”

I prop my elbows on the table and place my chin in my hands. “And how dirty does it get?”

I have no desire to listen to Ashlyn go on and on about her sex life. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not a prude. Not in the least. Free love all the way, baby.

But listening to her describe her fabulous sex life when I’m currently experiencing the longest dry spell in the history of dry spells is no fun. Although, it’s still better than being put under the microscope by my friends.

Ashlyn rubs her hands together. “The other day I—”

“No!” Soleil slams her hands down on the table. “Procrastination hour is over.”

“Someone’s grumpy,” Ashlyn sings.

“Don’t say grumpy, Eden will be distracted by thoughts of Miller and we won’t make any progress.”

“Because we’re making progress now?” Harmony asks. “I never should have let Soleil drag me out of my house.”

Soleil stands and stabs her finger toward Ashlyn and Moon. “You both are going to zip your lips unless you have something constructive to say.”

Ashlyn raises her hand.

“No! Discussing your sex life with Rowan is not constructive.”

Ashlyn waves her hand.

“Neither is teasing Moon about her sex life with Riley.”

Ashlyn deflates and drops her hand.

Soleil turns toward me and I raise both hands in surrender. “I have no sex life to discuss.”
