Page 36 of Bragg's Love

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Chapter 12

Tell me who opened their big mouth or I’m glitter bombing the lot of you ~ Text from Eden to her friends

Iglance up from my notebook where I’ve written down and crossed out about a dozen different ideas for classes I can teach to tourists when the bell above the door atEden’s Gardenchimes.

I scowl when Miller walks in. I wipe the scowl from my face when I notice his mom is with him. I ignore him – Grumpykins is not on my radar today – and smile at his mom.

“Welcome toEden’s Garden. How may I help you?”

“I came here to introduce you to my mom,” Miller says before his mother can respond.

I almost open my mouth to say we’ve already met but considering I met his mom while I was screaming at her son, I reconsider.

“I know who she is.”

“Winter Falls,” he grumbles under his breath.

“It’s too early to be cranky pants.”

Mrs. Bragg giggles. “He is awful cranky.”

“Mom,” Miller whines.

“What? You are.”

“Not wanting to stand around and gossip with everyone in town does not make me cranky.”

“No, but scowling why you explain does.” She points to the scowl on his face. It’s an attractive look on him.Stop it, Eden. Scowling is not attractive. And certainly not on Miller’s face.

“Since cranky pants isn’t going to introduce us properly.” She holds out her hand. “I’m Daisy.”

I giggle as I shake her hand. “Eden.”

Miller groans. “You aren’t allowed to call me cranky pants, Mom.”

“Why not? I spent forty-two hours in labor with you and your brother.” She leans close to whisper. “His head was enormous.”

“It still is,” I whisper back.

Miller scratches his neck. “Can we move on now?”

“Move on? Are you touring Winter Falls today, Mrs. Bragg?”

“Call me Daisy. And, no, we’re here for you.”

I tap my chest. “For me?”

“Yes. Big head can explain.”

“Big head isn’t better than cranky pants,” Miller mumbles, and I bite my tongue before I burst into laughter.

I raise my eyebrows. “Explain what?”

“Mom is a retired teacher.”

I smile at his mom. “I bet raising five hooligans was good practice for becoming a teacher.”

“I prefer the term rascals myself.”
