Page 37 of Bragg's Love

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“Duly noted.”

“Can we continue before I become old and gray?” Miller asks.

“You? Gray? Mr. Perfect Hair? You’ll dye your hair before you become gray.”

“I am not vain about my hair.”

Daisy sighs. “The hours this one used to spend in the bathroom. And it wasn’t always because he was you know whatting,” she whispers.

Miller’s cheeks turn pink. “Mom.”

I think I’m in love with Miller’s mom. I wonder if she’ll adopt me. Anyone who can make Miller blush is someone I want to get to know better.

“What?” She bats her eyelashes. “I raised five boys. You can’t possibly believe I’m ignorant as to why my water bill became enormous once you all hit puberty.”

“Always in the shower?” I ask. Have they not heard of socks?

“Miller and Elder shared a room as did Riley and Brody.”

Ah, privacy. “Gotcha.”

“What can I help you with today?” I ask.

“I brought Mom here because she used to be a teacher.”


He clears his throat. “Rumor has it you’re going to teach classes to tourists. Since Mom was a teacher, I thought she might be able to give you some pointers.”

I don’t know what I’m more surprised about. Him being polite or him knowing about me teaching classes.

Scratch that. I know what I’m more surprised about.

“How the hell do you already know about my idea to teach classes?”

There’s a knock on my window and I glance over to discover the gossip gals waving at me.

“It was us!” Sage yells through my store window. “We’re the rumor.”

“Except it’s not a rumor, it’s true,” Petal adds.

I march outside with Miller and his mom on my heels. Which one of my friends opened their big mouth? “Who told?”

“No one needed to tell. We know things,” Sage claims.

I roll my eyes. “You’re not a clairvoyant.”

“Eden Spring, you take those words back.”

I blow out a breath. “I’m not saying clairvoyants don’t exist, I’m saying you’re not one.”

“How do you know?”

“Because I’ve lived in this town for all of my thirty years and you’ve never had a message from beyond.”

“Well, I guess… I mean… I could have…” she sputters.

“Who told?” I ask Clove since Sage never divulges her ‘sources’.
