Page 47 of Bragg's Love

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I walk away and find a spot to sit near Harmony and Soleil. Harmony hands me a beer. “You look as if you need this.”

Considering we’ll be once again discussing the brewery expansion, I do. I really do.

Ashlyn glances over her shoulder from where she’s sitting in the row in front of us. “Today’s word is yes.”

“Are you ever going to grow up?”

She grins. “Yes.”

I roll my eyes but take a sip of my beer. “I’m going to need more of these.”

Soleil kicks the bucket at her feet. “You’re covered.”

Moon bangs the gavel on the table. “I call this February meeting of the Winter Falls business community to order.” She clears her throat while searching out my gaze. “The first order of business is the expansion ofNaked Falls Brewing.”

“During our extraordinary meeting Eden and Miller agreed to meet to discuss possible alternate solutions. Did this happen?”

“Yes,” I say while Miller merely grunts.

“Drink!” Ashlyn orders.

“Did you come to a solution?”

“No,” I say while Miller once again grunts in response.

Moon glances over at Lilac. “What do we do?”

“We’ll put the expansion ofNaked Falls Brewingto a vote.”

Old Man Mercury taps his cane on the floor before getting to his feet. “We can’t vote on the issue today.”

“Why not?” Moon asks.

“Not everyone in town knew we’d be voting today. We need to make sure everyone’s here.”

“Who’s not here, Mercury?” Sage asks.

Mercury studies the room. He knows as well as I do everyone’s here. The gossip gals won’t allow anyone to skip a meeting.

“Maybe I need time to study the matter,” he grumbles and I want to hug him for his support. Although, he’s not supporting me as much as he simply hates change and opposes it whenever he has the chance.

“What’s there to study? You’re going to vote against the expansion and everyone here knows it,” Feather says.

“Someone hates change,” Clove adds.

“I don’t oppose every change,” Mercury claims.

Petal raises her eyebrows. “You didn’t oppose my setting up a candle shop in town?”

“That was thirty-some years ago. Get over it already.”

Petal scoffs. “You’re lecturing me about getting over things? I think the word you’re searching for here is hypocrite.”

“Hey! Be nice to Mercury,” Aspen shouts.

Ashlyn’s sister has a soft spot for Old Man Mercury. I can’t blame her. If someone helped me find a treasure worth half a million dollars, I’d support him, too. Too bad I haven’t found a letter leading me on a treasure hunt.

“He wouldn’t know what the word nice meant if it bit him in the ass,” Cayenne shouts back.
