Page 48 of Bragg's Love

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Moon bangs her gavel. “Calm down! Everyone calm down!”

“Who are you telling to calm down?” Sage yells at her and the room erupts into chaos with everyone speaking at the same time.

“Enough!” Riley shouts loud enough to be heard above everyone. “You can bicker with each other all you want but you will not disrespect Moon. Do you understand?”

Moon smiles at him like he hangs the moon every night. I want a man who hangs the moon for me every night. Whoa. What the hell am I thinking? I don’t want a man. Commitment is not my thing. I’m perfectly fine being on my own. Especially since I know better than to trust a man.

My gaze catches on Miller. I definitely know better than to trust that man in particular. He broke any trust I had for him – which, admittedly wasn’t much – when he opened my mail. And he didn’t even bother apologizing! Saying it was an accident isn’t an apology.

“Ahem.” Lilac clears her throat. “According to my calculations…” She’s cut off by everyone groaning. But she slays the crowd with a glare and continues. “All the business owners in Winter Falls are in attendance.”

“Which means we can put the matter to a vote,” Sage says.

Mercury harrumphs before sitting back down.

I leap to my feet. “Don’t I get a say about this?”

“Get a say?” Miller asks. “All you’ve done is delay the expansion for the past year. You’ve had your say.”

I inhale a cleansing breath before I throw my chair at him. I would never throw a chair at someone. I don’t believe in violence. My sucky aim has nothing to do with it.

“I’m not delaying without reason! As I’ve tried to explain to you on numerous occasions, the expansion of the building next to my gardens will effect the sunlight on my plants.”

“I offered to compensate you for the cost of replanting.”

“I am not a charity case!”

“Is anyone else getting the warm and fuzzies from this conversation?” Ashlyn asks.

“Dream girl,” her husband grumbles.

“What? This is total foreplay.”

Moon bangs her gavel. “It’s also a business meeting.”

Ashlyn shrugs. “I can multi-task.”

“I’m not saying you’re a charity case,” Miller says before Ashlyn and Moon can continue their bickering.

“You don’t have to say the words for it to be true.”

“If the expansion has a negative effect on your business, we should pay you a compensation,” Elder says.

“How much compensation?” I ask and Miller explodes.

“You listen to him when he offers compensation but not me?”

“He doesn’t pity me.”

“I don’t pity you.”

I snort. “Sure, you don’t.”

“Great!” Moon interrupts before Miller can speak. “It sounds as if Eden and the brewery have come to a tentative agreement.Naked Falls Brewingwill compensateEden’s Gardenfor any damages resulting from the expansion of the brewery. Let’s vote. All in favor of the expansion?”

Everyone in the room except me, Harmony, Soleil, and old man Mercury raise their hands.

“All opposed?” Lilac asks and my arm juts into the air.
