Page 5 of Bragg's Love

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Elder chuckles. “You’re not even a Bragg and you’re the most annoying Bragg brother.”

“How can I be the most annoying Bragg brother if I’m not a Bragg?”

“You are a Bragg,” Riley says.

“Even if you don’t have the Bragg last name,” Brody continues and they high-five.

Great. It appears the Riley and Brody twin antics are about to recommence. At least we had a break from them while Riley worked his ass off begging the woman he loves to forgive him.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m happy for Riley – Moon is perfect for him – but I could do without the pranks he and Brody come up with. Tricking teachers when they were in second grade was cute. But they’re thirty now. It’s no longer cute.

“I meant what is everyone doing here?” I should know better than to ask my brothers open-ended questions by now. None of them can focus their attention on one thing at a time unless you force them to.

“Sunday brunch,” Brody says.

Riley grins. “Teasing you is merely a bonus.”

“What’s going on? Why are we teasing Miller?” Peace asks.

Elder rolls his eyes. “Duh. Because the woman he wants hates him.”

“I don’t want Eden,” I snap.

It doesn’t matter what I want. Eden doesn’t want me. She hates me. The whole town of Winter Falls knows how she feels. She wasn’t exactly discrete when she called me an asshole in front of everyone at the diner yesterday.

Riley smiles. “This is going to be fun.”

“Not as fun as watching you chase your own tail while you pursued Moon,” Brody says.

Riley crosses his arms over his chest. “I don’t have a tail, but I do have Moon.”

“Did you hear about the great new restaurant on the moon?” Elder asks, but he doesn’t wait for a reply before answering, “The food is excellent, but there's no atmosphere.”

“Does he always tell Dad jokes?” Peace asks.

“I prefer dirty jokes,” Elder says, “but I couldn’t resist a moon joke. Get it.” He wiggles his eyebrows. “Riley’s in love with a woman named Moon.”

Riley steps toward Elder with a snarl. “No making fun of Moon’s name.”

Elder bats his eyelashes. “What’s wrong, Riley? Can’t handle a little bit of joking?”

Peace shoves his way in between them. “No fighting.”

Riley glares at Peace. “He deserves it.”

Elder shakes his head with a sigh. “Such a shame getting laid regularly has destroyed your ability to handle a joke.”

Riley launches himself at Elder but Peace wraps an arm around him and hauls him away before he can reach Elder.

“There’s no fighting in Winter Falls.”

Brody snorts. “You can’t be serious. All siblings fight. It’s the law. You can’t tell me there are no other siblings fighting in Winter Falls.”

I grunt in agreement.

Brody points to me. “Even the grump agrees!”

I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest. “Will everyone stop saying I’m a grump?”
