Page 61 of Bragg's Love

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Is she serious? I think back to the past years I’ve lived in Winter Falls. I can claim I didn’t pay any attention to Eden, but it’d be a lie and I’m done lying to myself about her.

I try to remember if she’s had a boyfriend or partner in the time I’ve known her, but I can’t come up with one. I assumed she was too busy working for a relationship. It never occurred to me she might be opposed to relationships.

“Why do you have a problem with relationships?”

“Who says I have a problem with relationships? I’m not some commitment phobe.”

I cock an eyebrow and stare at her until she squirms.

She huffs. “None of your business.”

“It is my business since I want to be with you and you’re holding me at arm’s length.”

“I wasn’t holding you at arm’s length last night.” She winks.

“Don’t be cute with me.”

She bats her eyelashes. “Aw. You think I’m cute.”

“You’re fucking gorgeous and you know it, but your appearance doesn’t matter. I’d want you no matter what.”

She clutches her chest. “Be still my heart.”

She’s pissing me off now. “Stop messing around. I’m being serious.”

“I know you are. Here’s the thing. So am I. I don’t do commitment.”

Her words slash through me. Commitment is exactly what I want from her. Elder wasn’t wrong when he said I’m looking for a woman to settle down with.

“Why not?” There must be a reason she squirmed and refused to meet my eyes when she claimed she isn’t a commitment phobe.

“None of your bee’s wax.”

I smirk as an idea comes to mind. “If you explain why you’re afraid of commitment—”

“I didn’t say I was afraid,” she growls.

Oh, she’s afraid. And I’m going to find out what of and fix whatever problem it is. I do love a challenge. And Eden is a challenge wrapped up in a flowery dress with purple hair and no shoes.

“As I was saying, if you explain why you’re afraid of commitment, I’ll back off.”

“And, as I was saying, it’s none of your business.”

“Guess I won’t be backing off.” I shrug.

“You can’t single-handedly decide not to back off,” she yells at me. “It’s not how relationships work.”

“Watch me.” I wink before opening the door and leaving.

Chapter 20

Is it still called buyer’s remorse if it’s the store owner who bought too much? ~ Text from Eden to Harmony

Inibble on my lip as I stare at the supplies for today’s activities. Did I buy too much? Will no one come? Oh goddess Flora, what if I bought too much? I had to beg, borrow, and steal to buy this inventory as it is. Well, maybe not steal, but pretty damn close.

Today is Eostre. It’s one of Winter Falls’ biggest weekend festivals. It’s an ideal time to launch my new business venture of providing plant-related classes. Assuming anyone shows up. If you build it, they’ll come, right? I sure hope so.

“Shit!” I hear someone swear and glance up to find Miller outsideEden’s Gardenmessing around with picnic tables. I hurry outside.
