Page 7 of Bragg's Love

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“I got this,” I murmur as I walk away.

“Chicken,” Elder hollers after me.

I show him my middle finger.

Chapter 3

Sit-in doesn’t mean sitting all the time, does it? ~ Text from Ashlyn to Eden

“Help me with these,” I order Soleil the second she enters my house.

Her nose wrinkles as she takes the posters from me. “What’s going on?”

“I’m staging a sit-in.”

“A sit-in?”

“An occupation of an area for a protest to promote social change.”

She rolls her eyes. “Did you forget I grew up in Winter Falls? I know what a sit-in is. What I don’t know is why you’re staging one and for what.”

“Are you serious? Did you not open Facebook today?”

The town of Winter Falls has a private Facebook page to share important information. Mostly, it’s used by the gossips of the town to spread news, but sometimes it’s used for good. Such as today.

“I’ve been in my studio all day working on my pottery wheel.”

That explains her confusion. When Soleil is in artist mode, the world disappears.

“I’m staging a sit-in at the courthouse to protest the expansion of the brewery,” I explain.

“Why am I not surprised?” she mumbles.

“We’re here!” Moon announces as she rushes inside with her best friend, Ashlyn, on her heels, and Harmony trailing behind them. “Sorry, I’m late. I needed to close the diner.”

“And I needed to close the deal with Rowan if you know what I mean.” Ashlyn wiggles her eyebrows.

Harmony groans. “Yes, Ashlyn, we know all about your sex life with your husband.”

“Don’t be jealous.” Ashlyn winks.

“I didn’t think you were coming.” Hoped she wasn’t coming is a more accurate account.

Ashlyn smirks. “And miss a chance to join a sit-in? No way.”

I groan. I was afraid of this. Ashlyn is a troublemaker. She hasn’t met a problem she can’t solve with a prank yet. Moon is her trusty sidekick. Those two together spell jail time in all caps.

“Did you bring supplies?” I ask.

Ashlyn holds up a bag. “I’ve got glitter, superglue, fart spray, and syrup of ipecac.”

Moon frowns at her. “I thought you used up all the syrup of ipecac.”

Ashlyn snorts. “Don’t be silly. I never let my supply run low.”

“I meant,” I say in a loud voice to disrupt them. The best friends will bicker for days about nothing if you let them. “Did you bring drinks and snacks?”

Moon holds up her bag. “All set. I’ve got club sandwiches, homemade potato crisps, and energy drinks made from my very own recipe.”
