Page 15 of Down Down Baby

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Chapter Seven


The urge to protect Gia from those vultures was damn near overwhelming. It was practically a poison travelling through my veins. I wanted to go out there and knock some heads together for what they’d said to her, how they invaded her privacy.

And especially for ruining the most epic first kiss of my goddamn life.

But the tiny sob that escaped her throat as I held her to my chest kept me rooted in place.

She needed me here, now. So I wasn’t going anywhere.

I pulled back just enough to tilt her face up. “It’s okay. You’re safe here. They can’t get in.”

I brushed the tears from her cheeks but more followed.

“Does that mean we can’t get out either?” She asked.

“We can, when you’re ready. These stairs lead to the underground tunnels used by boardwalk workers.”

“They could find us there too. They probably already know what resort I’m staying at. Probably waiting for me with their flashes ready to go.”

“Let me take care of it.”

This seemed to rattle her more. “It’s not your problem. You don’t deserve any of this.”

“Deserve? And you do? You deserve zero privacy and looking over your shoulder all the time?”

She frowned, as if no one had ever put it that plainly before.

“I chose this. You didn’t. It’s part of the job,” she said sadly. “An unfortunate part, but the rest of what I do is too important. For me, it’s worth this… this… inconvenience.”

“If you say it is then I believe you.”

“But it doesn’t have to be your inconvenience,” she argued, swiping angrily at her tears. “I shouldn’t have brought you into this.”

I frowned. This sounded an awful lot like regret and I’d be damned if she was going to regret one moment of this date.

“You didn’t bring me into anything.”

Her hand landed on my chest, causing my skin to burn beneath her palm. “I did. By saying yes to this date.”

Nope. No, and hell no. I wasn’t letting her take back a nearly perfect night.

“Orrr… and now, hear me out... you said yes and allowed me into your crazy little world. For which I am exceedingly grateful. And instead of feeling bad about it, you can let me help you because I want to. Let someone else shoulder part of this burden. Whadda ya say?”

She rubbed her lips together, considering my offer. The move brought my attention to her mouth, and memories of how soft her kiss was, caused blood to rush straight to my groin.

I stifled a groan.

“What do you have in mind?” She asked.

“Come home with me.” The words sounded different in my head. Less like a man trying to get laid.

Gia frowned, but I saw a glint of humor in her eyes.

“I don’t mean come to bed with me, Gia. Though… a man can dream.” I shook my head to clear the image of Gia in my bed, beneath me as I pounded into her soft body. God. “I mean come stay in my guest house, in your own bed, far far away from my giant king sized one. My place is right on the beach, close to the tunnel exits. They’ll never find you there. Then, tomorrow, when the vultures have gone to bed, you and your friends can change resorts, and lose them for good so you can enjoy the rest of your vacation.”

Vacation. She was only here for a few weeks. I had to remember that. Don’t fall, don’t fall.
