Page 30 of A Christmas Maker

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The door to my office opens again, insinuating yetanotherintruder since Holly usually knocks before waltzing in. When my eyes turn towards the door, ready to rip into another person for interrupting my day, a sigh of relief escapes as King walks in. He doesn’t even blink at Jessica before he steps in front of her, sitting down in the chair across from me.

He finally chooses to look at her. Then, he does something far more insulting than anything I’ve said so far. King narrows his eyes as he clicks his tongue, “Are you Holly’s assistant?”

Fuck. Not even faking thinking she was my assistant, but that my assistant has an assistant.

“You know who I am!” Jessica shouts at him.

King stares at her for a beat before looking at me. “Do I?”

I pinch the bridge of my nose. “I don’t have time for this.” These two could go back and forth all day which is the last thing I need happening in my office.

“Coleman!” Jessica snaps, using his given name he rarely goes by except to those close to him.

His neon blue eyes ice over at her tone. “The only fucking people to call me Coleman are my parents and Emilia. Last I checked you were simply an uninvited guest in a private business office. I have an actualappointment,” he lies. “So get out and bother someone else. Thorin’s too polite to say it so I’ll say it for him. He may be the fourth highest paid person in the world but he won’t drop acenton you.”

Jessica’s nostrils flare out as she angrily huffs. Turning on her sharp heel, she stomps out of my office and slams the door shut behind her without bothering to rebuff his statement.

King adjusts his cuffs in his seat casually. “Holly mentioned she wasn’t taking no for an answer.”

“Don’t be fooled. She stormed out last time too,” I sigh. “She’ll be back.”

“Maybe you should date someone. Ask Holly if she’ll be your fake girlfriend.”

I wrinkle my nose. “I’m not going to lie about my relationships anymore.”

He considers that for a moment before nodding. “Fair enough.”

“What are you doing here?”

King rolls his eyes. “I’m here on behalf of Emilia.”

Oh lord. “Why?” I ask even though I desperately do not want to know.

“Apparently the girls got together for lunch yesterday and Whitney told Emilia about how much fun it was volunteering. Now Emilia wants to go.”

He can’t be serious. “Really?” I drawl. “I didn’t realize this plan of yours was going to form into a large get together.”

King pulls in a deep breath. “I didn’t factor in the women becoming engrossed in your plight. Emilia liked Bex when they met at the office, but now she wants to befriend her after Whitney’s dazzling review. Now I know for future endeavors that they’re exasperatingly nosy and to keep Emilia out of it.”

That’s probably a wise decision. Considering Whitney has already claimed Bex as a friend, it’s not worth it to fight Emilia on butting out, so I say, “You should have Emilia and Whitney get in contact with Bex then.”

King tilts his head at me like he’s dissecting me as we speak. “But not you?”

“I’m not playing your mind game, just spit out whatever you actually want to say.”

“You aren’t trying to keep Bex to yourself.”

Irritation clouds my vision as I narrow my eyes. “So?”

“Whitney also informed Emilia that you two were rather…polite to each other. I guess the grannies thought you two were lovely.”

I can’t help but frown at his description. The grannies thought Bex and I were lovely? “They left immediately after cleaning the kitchen. I don’t see how they could have seen anything. Whitney helped some of the kids with their reading homework and wasn’t near us.”


This is the mind game I didn’t want to play. If he was any closer, I’d punch him for trying to rile me up. “Fuck you. I’m doing this stupid plan and you’re in here questioning me. She helped me keep track of a bunch of kids gluing Cheerios to plates. I don’t see how that’s romantic, but sure. Let’s pretend there’s more to this story than there really is.”

“I’m not trying to be disrespectful.”
