Page 46 of A Christmas Maker

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Here we go again. “I don’t need a lecture to stay away from her.”

“If she’s not after your money, then I don’t have an issue with you spending time with the woman. I simply want to make sure you aren’t being taken advantage of, especially with everything going on right now.”

“I think she’s the only person who genuinely feels bad. King and Aillard are livid, I’m torn between feeling violated and rage, and everyone else is varying degrees of mentally unfit to downright incompetent for believing such a thing.”

Dad ignores my dig. “This board meeting won’t go well tonight. I received a call from Gabriel Donner earlier offering to buy Ravenscroft Hotels.”

I’m truly speechless. What the fuck did he say?

Dad gives me a droll look. “For a million dollars.” He scoffs. “I hung up the phone on the brat.”

“I honestly don’t understand how he’s a functioning adult,” I grunt. “But why will the board be upset this time? Because Donner Hotels came around? Because of my quietly done divorce that was no one’s business?”


I roll my eyes. “A bit of a stretch, don’t you think? Are they going to want me to step down like you want me to?”

Dad’s jaw clenches. “I do not want anyone in this family to step down. There is a lot of pressure coming from all sides. This isn’t just affecting you, Thorin. The bulk of it is, yes, but there are people who are getting caught up in it.” He pulls in a sharp breath. “Tell the truth. Theactualtruth to the press, whoever King finds. The family will back you.Iwill back you.” Quietly, Dad watches me. “Tell the board first.”

My brow furrows. “You want me to tell the board what happened? I tried that when they first started bringing up the fact I was a supposed drug addict. No one listened.”

Whatever is going on in Dad’s mind, I can see the gears turning already in his eyes. “They’ll listen now.”

I raise a brow at him. “What makes you say that?”

“Becausesheis now a part of the equation. Why would Bexley Hastings be around a drug addict? Why would she spend any time at all on her ex-husband unless he was a decent guy?”

Immediately I shake my head no. “That’s not the angle King is going for.”

“Why does his angle need to be the only one?”

Because King Huntington-Ward doesn’t let others step on his toes or muddle in his plans, which is exactly what Dad is insinuating on doing. “She’s not going to get involved anymore than she already is.”

“It’s just a mention. You’re not lying. You’re doing charity events with her, she’s willingly guiding you in this new philanthropic endeavor. Let them think what they will about it. But her name alone could get them to listen to you. If you don’t want to share your personal information, then this is a good start to dispel any questions in the meantime.”

Dammit.This entire issue is getting out of hand. “I’ll tell them the truth for the second time,” I grit between my teeth. The fallout would be worse if the board caught it on television and didn’t have the opportunity to back me or whatever decision. Plus it would absolve Dad of keeping supposed secrets from the board if they decided they couldn’t trust him. “But let me be clear,” I add. “Bex is not obligated to do anything. She’s not obligated to talk to the board or answer any of their questions. Her status in my life, orlackof status, does not give them the right to invade her privacy. Is that understood?”

Dad nods sharply. “Back to business matters, I heard Gabriel Donner managed to swindle a location you were scouting for a hotel.”

“He did.”

“Are there alternative locations you’re considering?”

What? Like I’m some new intern with my head up my ass? I scoff at his ridiculous question. “Of course. I have a dossier of multiple locations. That one was more ideal out of the options, but it’s not going to be held to the same standard as what a Ravenscroft Hotel would.” Opening up the middle drawer in my desk I pull out my black accordion folder and hand it over. “These are the other locations I’ve been curating.”

Dad unwinds the elastic and opens up the case, glancing at each perfectly marked tab stating a location. Inside are amenities in the area, the potential rates of investment, the clientele the area brings, and anything to offer. Local vendors, contractors, and a drawn up estimate of costs for the hotel. While there’s more specific details included, I know Dad is merely skimming everything to get an idea of where my head is at. “California.” He wrinkles his nose in disdain.

“It’s an option.”

“A horrible one.”

“A lot of celebrities live in California,” I answer patiently.

“Right. Theylivethere, so why would they stay somewhere else?”

I smile at his irritable voice. “The younger generation of newly rising millionaires need a way to blow their money. I’m not interested in lowering the standards of Ravenscroft Hotels, however I think we’re overlooking a potential interest in the namesake. We’re an old name coming from old money who cater to old money. Why not build a smaller hotel to cater to new money? It’s not lowering our standards to branch out. Donner Hotels do well because their clients are celebrities. They’re not in our league. Butwecan easily absorb their clients if we choose to. So why aren’t we doing that?”
