Page 47 of A Christmas Maker

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For a long moment Dad simply stares at me with an odd look on his face. “You want to beat Donner at his own game.”

“An added bonus. I only want to place the hotel in California to ruffle his feathers. It would be the only one catering towards the lower bracket of millionaires. If you look in the folder for California you’ll see I have it booked as more of an event space for large corporations or personal gatherings.”

“Expanding the Ravenscroft name without diminishing the clientele we strive for.”


“I like it.”

I raise my brows in surprise. Of all the places listed, I figured Dad would choose one of my overseas options to back instead.

He hands me back the accordion folder. “You should look further into this. Maybe Ravenscroft Center instead of capitalizing on it being a hotel. I could see this branching further into that niche market while simultaneously punching a hole in Donner’s insistence that you’re incapable of your job since you’re using drugs. Run with it. Get me some more figures and we’ll see how long it’ll take to get it up and running.”

Well damn.Ravenscroft Centerhas a nice ring to it. Something I’m creating myself under the family name. Something entirely mine. “I’ll get right to work on it.” Already ideas are swirling in my head. Not a hotel, but something better.

Dad’s mouth twitches in amusement. No doubt he can see how excited I am at the prospect of this new endeavor. “Unfortunately you’ll need to put a pin in it until after the board meeting. Afterwards, I’ll expect something within the upcoming week.”


He rises from his chair and pats his stomach with one hand. “You’re doing well, son.”

For the first time in months, a part of me actually feels like I am.


“I will bear my scars to the world if it means being free.” - Thorin

An uncomfortable ripple of anxiety seems to settle around the room. Various men of all shapes, sizes, and color dressed as if attending a funeral stare back at me as I sit at one of the three seats at the head of a long rectangular table.

“We intended to have a majority vote,” a voice from the far end of the table pipes up. But the scratchy unease is evident by the quake in his words.

If I was an animal, I’d snap my teeth to rip his throat out for daring to insinuate something such as voting for my removal from a family company. I bare my teeth instead, hiding the rage behind a brittle smile that fools no one.

Dad interrupts me from putting whatever jackass just spoke in his place. “That’s enough. Thorin has done nothing to be condemned by this board or its shareholders. As of this moment forward, he is to be treated as if he is the CEO because one day he will be, and you better pray you’re on his good side when the time comes.”

Jackson Nichols taps his fingers on the table. “I understand where you’re coming from, but this is a serious matter.”

“Why is it so serious, Jack?” Dad counters. “You all demand he gets surprise drug tests, he agrees and passes. You all decide he’s a drug addict based on the word of someone who is beneath this company in honor and integrity. You’re all choosing to handle this situation as if the media controls your every waking move.”

“This isn’t about the media,” Sheldon Thompson immediately responds. I never did like him. The bald man steps out on his wife and has the audacity to think he’s better than I am? “This is about the business.”

“Okay, then let’s treat this like a business and run it instead of taking up valuable time harassing my son, yes?” Dad snaps.

“You have to see where we’re coming from,” Claude, the idiot who originally spoke moments ago, chimes in. “Thorin has a problem–”

“I do not have a problem,” I interrupt. “I think by continuing to do your arbitrary screenings, I’ve been rather accommodating given the circumstances. However, I’m tired of tiptoeing in my own company. Therefore things need to change and it is notIwho will be doing so.” My stony gaze scans the room. “I will be going to an interview to discuss the details of my birthday party. What I will repeat for you,out of courtesy, is that I was drugged, possibly sexually assaulted, and was taken to the emergency room where I was given a rape kit and made statements to the police who are investigating the matter. Of course this is already information you were given, but since you all seem to have trouble understanding, I hope this clarifies things.”

“There will not be a repeat of these atrocious actions taken by this board in the future,” Dad tacks on. “I have a drafted statement ready for release in regards to our standing with Thorin during this troubling time.”

Jackson leans forward in his chair as he clears his throat. “You have to understand where we’re coming from. The media is dragging Thorin through the coals. Did you see this morning’s release? They’re claiming Thorin is divorced–”

“I am divorced,” I interrupt. “My relationship with Bexley Hastings is not up for discussion.”

“You’ve been spotted doing charity work with her. Is she helping to reform your habits?” Sheldon clips.

I breathe deeply to give myself a moment to properly think through the red haze clouding my vision. “Bexley is not helping me to reform any habits, as I just mentioned once again that I am not an addict.”

“They’re spending time together,” Dad offers nonchalantly. He shrugs easily when everyone turns their gaze his way. “If this was a publicity stunt, why wouldn’t there be more articles out there about Thorin’s supposed community service? Right. Because thisisn’tcommunity service. He’s simply spending time with people who are not out to use him.”
