Page 64 of A Christmas Maker

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Fuck. “No,” I tightly smile, “and I’d prefer to keep it that way for now. I’d rather tell Bex first before Noel finds out.”

Aggie nods thoughtfully. “I understand. I hope your meeting proves fruitful. You can head on back, he wrapped up his previous appointment early.”

I wonder if he did that as a courtesy to me. When I made the appointment, I didn’t specify what it is that I wanted to speak with him about beyond to thank him for his cooperation in aiding my media image.

Pushing through the door, I step into an overly white room. I bet Holly would have an absolute cow bringing me food or beverages for fear of spilling anything. I’ve never been more thankful for a colorful office than I am right now.

Behind a sleek desk, Harlow Hastings looks like an older version of Bex with masculine features. His hair is gray, slicked back, dark mustache cut to perfection, and a dark pair of glasses perched on his nose. I don’t spy any pictures or mementos littering his office depicting his family; only shiny metal pieces meant to make this place appear ostentatious. He rises from behind his desk, gesturing towards an uncomfortable chair across from him. “Mr. Ravenscroft, thank you for taking the time to speak with me.”

Doubt he’ll be saying that in a second. I sit down in the chair, my back digging into the hard structure. “I don’t like wasting time, so I’ll be frank with you. I’m currently in a relationship with your daughter.”

His brows furrow together. “Again?”

The back of my teeth clench together at his comment, even though it doesn’t appear to be said in anger. “Yes, again. We’ve been spending time together–”

“When Mr. Brookwell was here, he explained that you two would be working charity events–”

“No,” I cut him off. I despise when people talk over me, but in this instance it’s imperative that he doesn’t get the wrong impression by undervaluing what his daughter means to me. “Bex and I have started seeing each other outside of the obligations we originally made. As of this Sunday, I will be attending your family dinner and did not wish to blindside you with my presence.”

Harlow’s face doesn’t change from the typical businessman voice as he asks, “Noel is aware of this?”


“And she’s okay with you showing up? We don’t typically include outsiders at family dinner.”

I smirk, digging my back into the chair to appear relaxed. “Now, see, I don’t think that’s true. From my understanding you’re essentially estranged from your daughter, yet you still show up.” I cross my arms over my chest. “Bex is the reason I called this meeting.” And precisely why I didn’t tell him the truth of the meeting because I didn’t want him to weasel out of it.

“She’s an adult, you didn’t need to come here to discuss your relationship status. You clearly aren’t here looking for permission to be with her, so why are you here Mr. Ravenscroft?”

“Because you’re in a position to fix your current predicament before I get involved.” When he doesn’t interrupt this time, I continue. “Bex is unaware I’m here. She has no idea of my intentions, but I don’t ever want her to question if the reason I’m with her is because of what she’s doing for me. As her father, I’m offering you a way to get your daughter back.”

Mr. Hastings pinches the bridge of his nose and lets out a heavy exhale. “Bex and I are fine.”

If he believes that, then he may be a lost cause. I refrain from sarcastically saying he’s wrong. Instead I say calmly, “Ah, my apologies then. I was under the impression you cut her off when she changed her major to English and left her with an insurmountable amount of debt that left her cornered for someone like King Huntington-Ward to blackmail her. Then you willingly aided said blackmailer instead of paying off her debts that wouldn’t leave her vulnerable to others. Not to mention she’s paying portions of her grandmother’s medical bills. But you have a great relationship, so you clearly already know this information.”

Mr. Hastings’ jaw clenches. “How–”

“Because I pay attention to her needs. Bex is drowning and you’re letting her.”

He stares at me with a harsh expression for several moments. Slowly the anger leeches out of his expression until he leans forward on his elbows, scrubbing his face. “I don’t know what you want me to say, Thorin,” he says, dropping all pretenses of continuing on like this is a business meeting. “It spiraled so far out of my control.”

“Grief is a horrible thing to have to go through, but that doesn’t alleviate you from alienating your daughter. She’s not even on the Hastings Humanitarian Award Committee, something she would be phenomenal at but you refuse to work with her.”

He blanches. “No! No, that’s not the reason she isn’t on the committee. I didn’t ask her because I didn’t want her to turn the opportunity down because she’d have to speak with me on occasion. I know she finds it difficult, but I don’t want her to be put in any uncomfortable situations. That’s why I leave her to her own devices.”

What he’s saying makes little sense, but I suppose having never grieved the way he has doesn’t lend to the world making sense when your loved one is gone. “And Hastings Center going to your Chief Operations Officer when you retire?”

He lets out a startled laugh. “Jesus, Thorin, where did you hear that? No, the company and all shares transfer to Bexley.”

Well, this is surprising. “She thinks it goes to your COO.”

Harlow blanches, seeming at a loss for words for a moment. “Does she really think I’m heartless?”

“You’ve not given her any reason to think otherwise, sir.”

“And you’re here as some revelation I need to know how estranged I am from my daughter?”

“No. I’m here to inform you that I’ll be eradicating Bexley’s debts. She deserves to live the way she should have before switching majors. She deserves to have a chance at happiness without any strings attached.” And I meant what I said to her the other night. I want to give her the world. That includes untangling her from the blackmail King is using and making sure we’re on even ground in this relationship.
