Page 65 of A Christmas Maker

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Mr. Hastings leans back in his seat with a thoughtful, far away expression. “When her mother died, I could barely function. I thought my heartache was going to take me away as well. Noel was stronger than I was, but I have no idea how she didn’t fall apart. I think when I was grieving, Noel found the strength to live on for Bex. I saw that and selfishly used that as a crutch to know my daughter was cared for when I couldn’t care for myself. When Bex went to college and changed her major, I felt like I was losing my wife all over again. They had the same nonprofit major and it felt like her legacy was living on until Bex changed it. I thought intimidating her would make her change it back but it only further drove in the wedge.”

“You should tell her this,” I kindly advise. “She thinks she’s not enough for you.”

A painful, choked sound leaves his chest. “I don’t know how. The last time we ever felt close was when she was grieving over you”

A dark feeling settles over me at the knowledge. “I’m glad I could bring you two together briefly.” Sighing, I adjust slightly in my chair. “Whether or not Bex and I are able to rekindle or not, I thought it was best to express to you that I won’t allow her to be treated the way you have been behaving nor how I treated her either. She deserves to be treated respectfully, which is why I’m hoping to settle the blackmail issue.”

He nods. “I liked you, Thorin. I thought you were good for her when she came home married. I wasn’t fond of the marriage aspect specifically, but you adored her from what I remember. I have no doubt you’ll put her interests ahead of your own if it ever happens.”

Of course I would. Being here is for Bex’s well-being even if I don’t like putting myself in this position between father and daughter. But I will put her first, and it’s best that her father knows that. “She’s important to me.”

“To me as well, though I know she wouldn’t believe that. I was hopeful being around you again would help her heal. I know it’s been years, but some days she’s merely surviving while others it’s as if you never came into her life at all. You had a profound impact on her, Thorin.”

My chest swells with a mixture of pain and pride. I despise the person I was years ago who couldn’t easily declare their intentions. But I’m deeply grateful for Bex coming into my life when I needed her to show me what I could have.

“You’re willing to pay off her debt?”

“King has paid a bulk of it off,” I explain. When I went to King with my idea to eradicate her debt entirely, he told me he had seen it coming from a mile away. And he decided to retain his portion of paying off her debt as an olive branch for our friendship. “My intention is to pay the other portions.”

Mr. Hastings nods thoughtfully. “Don’t,” he says, partially surprising me. “It’s my responsibility. I’ll speak with Noel about her medical issues and call the education department after our meeting to pay off whatever is left in Bex’s account.” He tilts his head as he studies me. “She won’t be happy you came here to speak with me.”

“No,” I agree, “she won’t be. I have no intention of hiding it from her either. I want what’s best for her and if your relationship can be repaired I think it constitutes as what’s best for her. She’s come up with a lot of reasons in her mind as to why you two are so estranged and I think it boils down to feeling unloved. I know I did that to her, but I believe she was already on the precipice of those feelings when I came along. We both need to do better for her. She deserves better than what we’ve given her in the past.”

He doesn’t respond for a moment, looking me over to see if I mean what I’m saying, but I’m deathly serious. Bexley deserves to not have to question if the people in her life truly love her and want what’s best for her. I may not love her yet, but I remember what it felt like to bask in the glow of her happiness. She’s happy most days, sure, but it’s not as bright as it once was. I want to give her the sunshine back.

“I think you two should talk,” I reiterate. “She needs to know where your head is at because playing a guessing game isn’t going to fix any of your problems. You need to own your behavior to make amends and you can’t do that hiding away from your daughter because you’re afraid of making everything worse. By doing nothing, you’re achieving exactly that.”

“When did you get such a good head on your shoulders?” Mr. Hastings doesn’t say it unkindly.

“After I imploded my own life, I went to therapy,” I answer honestly. “It helped.”

He nods. “I never saw a grief counselor after my wife died. Noel brought one into the house mainly for Bex, but I know only Noel really sought her out on how to properly grieve. Perhaps therapy is a good idea. Maybe family counseling so Bex and I can repair our relationship.”

The idea of family counseling sounds like a great idea for the two of them. Hopefully Bex will entertain speaking with her father so they can begin to mend bridges. “I’m sure she’d like that.”

“What about you? Are you speaking to someone about this whole debacle from your birthday party?”

I flinch before I can maintain my composure. “I spoke with someone directly after it happened.” A victims advocate from the hospital came to see me, but she left me feeling more despondent than when I was brought in. “I’ll be going on television to make a statement about what occurred. All the media filth is beginning to touch people it shouldn’t.”

“My daughter.”

I tightly nod. “Yes, her. Our divorce papers were leaked to the press and have become quite the main focus in gossip magazines. I have no problem setting the record straight, but I wish they wouldn’t corner Bex simply to get to me. She’s done nothing but be my confidant throughout this ordeal.”

“We’ll back you,” he immediately replies. “If you need anything media wise. I know King is already covering all his bases, but since the media dragged Bex into the mess, we’ll issue statements as well. Tell him to call our PR department and I’ll make sure they’re willing to work with him.”

Surprise stalls me from responding immediately. “Just like that? You’re not going to ask if the drug abuse is true?”

Mr. Hastings snorts at the mere idea of it. “No, Thorin, I’m not. Even after the divorce, I kept an eye on you. You suffered in many of the same ways Bex did. Becoming a recluse and sticking to routines that didn’t lend you to gossip sightings for magazines to grip onto. You’re a hard worker. And I know your worth.” He smiles at the shock still registering on my face. “Don’t look so stunned. I don’t have a problem with you, Thorin. And Bex would never have given you the time of day unless you were someone she, at some level even if it’s miniscule, trusted to be in her life. I trust my daughter knows what she’s doing.”

Well, this makes my job a lot easier. Disentangling myself from the contract Bex signed is proving to be easier than I expected. Although the contract remains in place for her to help me, I know mixing our feelings into this pot isn’t going to go over well in the long run. I don’t want her questioning my motives, therefore I’m trying to strategically put everything into place so she feels free of the binds the contract insists upon.

He taps his fingers on his desk, looking over at his computer briefly. “I’m sure you have more pressing matters to attend to, so I’ll be sure to call the education department before I go to lunch and settle Bex’s debts. And Thorin?”


Harlow’s mouth softens into a stiff smile. “Thank you for looking after my daughter when I couldn’t.”

“Of course.” I stand, reaching forward to shake his hand before I walk out of his office. Aggie is typing away on her computer, barely sparing me a glance as she offers me a flash of a smile before continuing her duties. I take the elevator down to Bex’s floor, tapping my foot the longer the elevator takes to descend.
