Page 66 of A Christmas Maker

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Did I expect Mr. Hastings to be so vulnerable and willing to agree to my suggestions? No. I thought I would find a hard man who gave up on his daughter long ago. But it’s clear he still loves her, he simply no longer knows how to express his love.

Grief is a powerful, tragic thing. It corrupts the brain into turning on protective mode until the worst of the pain passes. In doing so, sometimes people we cherish the most get caught in the crossfire of our own tailspin. Twice, Bex has had to live in someone’s tailspin; mine and her father’s. That ends today.

Hopefully his actions will be enough to sway her into potentially stepping foot on the bridge he’s willing to build to regain their lost connection. I know I would do anything to ensure she feels safe and loved once more.

The elevator doors open on Bex’s floor. Several people poke their heads up in curiosity, but most immediately return to their work. I spy Detrick typing heavily on his keyboard on the far side of the room. Making my way over, I nod politely to the few people still awestruck by my arrival.

Better get used to it. I plan on being around quite often.

Stopping in front of her assistant, I wait patiently for him to finish what he’s doing. Normally I would feel impatient waiting to see Bex, but leaving her father’s office has left me feeling lighter. When Detrick’s head snaps up, his entire body freezes as he takes me in.

“Mr. Ravenscroft,” he croaks. “Do you have an appointment?” His gaze immediately snaps back to his computer, pulling up what I assume is her calendar.

“No, I don’t have an appointment. I’m actually here to take Bex to lunch.” I raise my wrist in the air, checking my Rolex for the time. She should be ready to leave within the next ten minutes. “If she’s in a meeting, I don’t mind waiting until she’s finished.”

Detrick stares at me for a few seconds before pushing out of his chair. “Hold on.” He steps around his desk, poking his head into Bex’s office and murmuring something so low I can’t hear. A moment later, he turns around with a bright smile. “You can go on in.”

I nod, walking into Bex’s office for the second time in my life. She’s at her computer, but scribbling on a legal notepad in her lap with a pink pen the same shade as her glasses. She points briefly towards the couch across the room and I go ahead and sit down, waiting until she’s finished scrawling whatever thought she has onto paper.

Finally, she looks up and sets the pad down. “You’re early.”

“I finished up a meeting sooner than expected.”

Her eyes light up. “Was it about Ravenscroft Center? Did you find out more information about the lot you have picked out?”

Ah, at least this I can answer honestly. My morning, sans the brief meeting with her father, revolved solely around contracts being signed by a construction company after I had an architect draw up plans to my liking for the building. “Yes, I did, actually. The construction crew is being flown there, housing paid for while they work. They’re part of Aillard’s group, so I trust them. King knew someone who knew someone that works with an architectural firm, so I gave them a call and they sent over blueprints of designs they already had to my liking. Minor tweaks needed to be made but everything is moving smoothly along.” Faster than I expected, but it’s given me a new purpose to focus on during the hurricane of gossip currently surrounding my life.

“Maybe the press will start to cover your new building once you break ground instead of spreading gossip and scandals.”

One can be hopeful, though I doubt it’ll overshine my supposed drug abuse until I’m able to do my interview. “I’m sure the networks in California will make swift work of reporting on it, though it may take some time for the news to reach here in New York. Still, I think it’ll be a nice change of pace from what’s currently being said about me to the masses.”

She points her pink pen at me. “Think of it this way, would someone who does drugs on a daily basis be allowed to be in charge of such a large project? You’re giving your side of the story without saying anything. I think it’ll just amp up the proof you have when you do go on television. People are going to be questioning things already, but by the time King finds someone, it’ll be easy to see that all the stuff being reported about you is wrong.”

Amusement colors my voice as I ask, “You think so?” Bex has got to be the most vibrant person I’ve ever met. When she believes in someone, she believes wholeheartedly. It’s admirable and lessens the stress I feel tightening my shoulders.

“You’re a good person, Thorin. People will open their eyes eventually. I’d say you’re weathering the storm pretty decently right now. You’re not exploding on newspaper reporters or arguing with people. You’re living your life the same way you always have, proving how much you don’t care about the media’s lies.”

“Much like you, I don’t read headlines very often unless they have something to do with business.” Unfortunately these past few months have been solely focusing on whether I should still be connected to Ravenscroft Hotels in the business section. Thankfully, those headlines seem few and far between lately.

“We’ll get through this.” She sets her pen down and stands up, stretching momentarily before coming over to sit by me. Now that she’s standing, I can get a better view of her outfit. She has on crisp black cigarette style pants and an Easter colored green blouse. A simple gold necklace around her neck and her pink glasses perched on the edge of her nose. She looks beautiful.

Before she can claim the seat next to me on the couch, I snag her hand and pull her along, making her stumble her way into my lap. She rolls her eyes at my antics, but settles against my chest. “Do you want to order here or go out?” I ask, pressing a kiss to her soft cheek.

“We can go out. I can afford a two hour lunch today without getting off track. I made sure Detrick scheduled my appointments a little further apart, but since I wasn’t sure what time you would arrive, I wanted to have a larger window for lunch.”

My heart tightens in my chest at how easily we’ve slipped into this relationship. There’s no hesitancy, no awkwardness about being seen with me in public. No, Bex continues to live her life without allowing outsiders to get a say. “In that case, how do you feel about one of Aillard’s restaurants? They’re good without feeling pretentious.”

“Sounds like a date.”

I smile to myself as she stands up to grab her purse. Today is a good day; one I’ll remember for quite some time because I don’t recall the last moment I felt this carefree and happy. This is what having Bex in my life does, she centers me when I need it most without having to do anything other than be herself. I feel my heart skip in my chest as she flashes me a smile.

“Ready?” she asks.

“For you? Always.”


“Honestly, I wonder if happiness is a symptom of delirium.” - Bex

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