Page 68 of A Christmas Maker

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“Pissed off, but I didn’t throw a paperweight this time,” Thorin says, making my brows raise in surprise. Thorin rarely loses his temper so I wonder if he’s referring to when all this drama started in his life. “And you, Bex? Are you alright?”

King mutters something that sounds likeI was going to ask her next.

“I’m mad that people don’t know how to mind their own business.” A fair, truthful answer. Jealousy tastes bitter on my tongue even though I know logically I have no reason to feel this way about someone Thorin and his friends openly despise. But the fact she keeps butting her head into my life just to try to be close to Thorin is very hard to ignore. Being the bigger person fucking sucks sometimes.

“I’ll handle it,” King announces before ending the phone call immediately.

I press my lips together as my eyes drift from Thorin to the wall of books across from me. Reading the spines, I try to use it as a way to calm my hormones and racing heart.Charles Dickens. Jane Austen. J.R.R. Tolkein.The last one catches me by surprise merely for the fact it’s displayed here, but it doesn’t shock me Thorin reads fantasy.

Speaking of Thorin, he moves into my line of vision, sitting carefully down on his coffee table and resting his elbows on his knees. “Are you regretting giving me a chance?”

A frown pulls at the corner of my lips as my brow puckers. “No, this has nothing to do with you.” Quickly, I explain, “I mean, it does have something to do with you, but you’re not the cause of the drama nor are you actively participating in anything salacious that would make me uncomfortable. I don’t like that people are dragging me through the mud, but that’s notyourfault.”

He stares at me for several long beats. Finally, the tips of his lip curls upwards into a smirk. “I never expect your answers. Sometimes I forget how you are as a person, someone who sees the media and others for what they are, not passing blame unnecessarily onto others. Even though I feel responsible for dragging you into this mess, I’m not responsible for what the media is saying nor what my ex-girlfriend is spouting about to anyone who will listen. Thank you,” he says endearingly, “for not taking out your anger on me.”

I reach out to grab his hand, cradling it between both of mine reassuringly. “You’re not the villain, you know.”

“Not always.”

I smile at that, even though the self-deprecating comment twists something painfully sharp in my chest. “Sometimes even villains have moments of clarity.”

Thorin nods, although he doesn’t look as though he believes me. “I bite my tongue a lot, hide what I want to say to keep the peace. I’m relaxed around others, but only because it affords me the ability to listen in on conversations I shouldn’t be privy to. I can be ruthless when I need to, butneverto you, Bex, do you understand? You might be the only thing in this life I care about more than myself. I meant it, I want the world for you.”

“And I want the stars for you.” As soon as I whisper the words, I realize how true they are. Even though Thorin and I started out ugly and twisted, we grew into the people we were meant to be. Should there have been an easier way to get here? Yes. But right now, in this moment, I feel at peace with my life; something I never thought I would achieve.

He leans forward, brushing his fingers under my chin as he tilts my head upwards towards his. Our lips brush lightly against one another, once, twice, a third time. The fourth, his tongue bolding runs along the seam of my lips, begging for entrance and I give in.

Even though we’re still supposed to be on the way to dinner, I scoot forward on the couch until our knees are tangled together. Thorin suddenly grabs my waist, lifting my body easily until I’m straddling his lap. The dress I have on rides up my thighs, bunching around my waist until I’m practically indecent.

Slowly his hands trail from my waist, down to my knees and back up, sliding under the fabric of my dress. Boldly he continues devouring my mouth. Every slick swipe of his tongue sends heat cascading through my limbs. Arousal drowns out everything else from my mind.

My fingers thread through Thorin’s short hair, scoring my nails over his scalp as I grind my hips down. The hard ridge of his cock is distinct against his slacks. I tilt my head back as I swirl my hips at just the right angle that my clit gets rubbed.

“Fuck,” Thorin groans.

I gasp as he lifts his hips at the same time I grind, putting more pressure on my most sensitive areas.

“You want to come?” Thorin murmurs, eyes hooded as he watches me seek my pleasure. “Come on beautiful girl, you can do it.” He moves one of his hands off my hip, brushing his thumb over my underwear. “You’re soaking,” he groans. Then he twists his fingers, dragging my underwear to the side so he can sink two of his fingers inside of me.

The penetration at this angle does something to my insides. I swear he’s hitting a deep hidden spot I’ve never felt before. Sparks begin to shoot down my limbs as I ride Thorin’s hand chasing my orgasm. He curls his fingers and my toes curl in my boots.Oh shit.

I moan his name as my ecstasy scores down my spine. Every bone in my body turns liquid as I melt into his chest. My breath leaves me in small huffs as I open my eyes, blinking rapidly as I come down off the high.

“Mm,” I sigh blissfully.

“So beautiful as you break apart for me.” Thorin presses a soft kiss to the crown of my head. “Shall we head to dinner now or would you like to order something to the office?”

I glance down at his lap, noticing my wetness has slipped down my thigh and onto his straining cock, leaving an obvious mark for all to see. It should be embarrassing, but it stirs something possessive in my chest. I like the look of it. A sigh escapes a moment later as logic creeps in. “You can’t go out there like that.”

“Oh, I could.” Thorin’s eyes heat as he looks at the wet mark. “Or I could fuck you here, change my suit to the one I keep in here for late nights, then parade you around my restaurant with my cum deep inside of you.” My entire face turns red at the naughty idea, my body very much on board with his plan. He leans forward, sucking my lip into his mouth. “Yeah, I definitely prefer that.”

Easily he moves me until I’m standing between his legs. His hands reach behind me, pulling the zipper of the dress down until the material falls to the floor. Thorin snatches it up, uncrumpling the fabric and laying it nicely over one of his chairs.

“Undress.” Thorin’s throaty command causes goosebumps to erupt on my flash. I bend down, unzipping my heeled boots as I look up through my lashes to see him agitatedly yanking off his tie, his eyes roaming boldly over my body.

In no time, we’ve managed to remove every article of clothing. Standing a few feet apart, we each take a moment to appreciate the beauty of one another. Thorin’s hard planes of muscles, light chest hair, and a smatter of freckles across his abdomen are like a dream of my perfect man.

I don’t know what he sees when he looks at me, but the hungry possession on his face makes me smile. We’re both captivated by the other, even all these years later.
